Weekly Updates

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Weekly Updates for 09/23/2011

Post by web-ed »

For links please visit the Home Page (click on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other Forum page to get there).
  • In the mood for more humor, I went back to revisit Dan Rivera's "Spanked Shrink" and added a colorized version.
  • I've been trying to get through the remainder of Bill Ward's F/F work so I can return to our primary focus, M/F, and this week we have two more for the Humorama Series.
  • Doctor Cylon enlivens another work of the Old Masters with Aphrodite Kallipygos.
  • Tiptopper sent me a fine scene from Steve Canyon in which Steve has no choice but to take Poteet OTK, although the spanking itself takes place off-camera.
  • Robin, who gave us all those great Archie comic spanking issues, pointed out that there was a quasi-spanking scene in The Three Stooges. I took a look, re-edited the available clip from YouTube, and the result is Rusty Romeos.
The Home Page facelift continues: I finally added a contributors list at the bottom of the page, something I've been meaning to do for a long time (hope I didn't leave anyone out). It's a small thing, perhaps, but I am grateful to the many people who have helped make CSR what it is. I also removed the still from The Cowcatcher's Daughter (which remains in the Picture Gallery), replacing it with a rotating "sneak peak" at one of the week's updates.

Spanking Searches: A good week with three new Humorama "spankers", two from Stiles and one from Morrice, plus a Golden Age comics spanking of a female outlaw. Also, MikeD turned over more of his collection to me, with spanking-related materials going back as far a 50 years! This included a few more cartoons and lots of newspaper clippings. It will be a long while before most of this can be posted, although I might be able to get to a couple of Mike's fictional pieces within the next few weeks.

Next Week: The last two (?) of Bill Ward's F/F Humorama cartoons, Big Ben Bolt spanks a Big Bad Bit-- er, Heiress, and it's Back to School with yet another version of National Lampoon's Sept. 1975 spanking cover and Hugob00m's take on the "Veronica Gets Spanked at the Dance" scene.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

This week's are a delight. Loved the Doc Cylon. As you surely know the actual statue shows a girl looking over her back at her buttocks.
That is a delightful word-"callipygian"- meaning "having beautiful buttocks" Wonder what the classical Greek might be for "red buttocks", "sore buttocks", and so on.
Speaking of Aphrodite, I always thought the Aphrodite on Xena Warrior Princess(Alexandra Tydings) so needed to be spanked. Always scheming and conniving, twitching around in an almost transparent gown with her panties clearly visible, the typical blonde bimbette so in need of a red bottom.
The Dan Rivera was great. Loved her lingerie. The image of a professional or business executive woman getting her formal workplace attire pulled aside and getting a spanking is very appealing. A reminder that no matter how much money she makes or how high her status is she still can get her bottom spanked if she needs it.
The Bill Ward's are, as always, great vintage shots from an era which believed (or had to) leave something to the imagination. I simply do not believe that spanking art has to show a woman like she would be if undergoing a gynecological exam. Doesnt mean that she can't be barebottomed, just does not have to be "spread."
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

I always look forward to the weekly updates! Thank you,Web-ed, for all the work that goes into them! My favorite this time is the Steve Canyon one. Even though the spanking itself isn't shown, (@#$%!) I really like the panel with Steve rolling up his sleeve and that look on Poteet's face as the realization of what's about to happen to her sinks in! And the remark afterwards about the need for a cushion was a nice touch.

As for the Bill Ward F/F ones, I'm just not that much into F/F, but in the case of the showgirl one, I like to think that, somewhere along the line, both ladies found themselves over the knees of men!

And Dan's shrink cartoon is really funny. I had seen the original black and white drawing ages ago, and it's nice to see that either he, or someone else decided to colorize it.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i got a grin out of the psychiatrist spanking...........of course, i always get a grin from Dan's drawings and usually some other interesting sensations too :D . i like the colorized version. love the evil grin on the spanker's face. no doubt he's enjoying himself :lol: . i also love the spankee' attire.......hose, garter belt and panties. very exciting for an old guy like me :D . as far as her detached and professional expression goes, i had assumed that she could manage this because the spanker's hand had gone up but hadn't landed yet. looked to me like this spanker was pretty enthusiastic and that her expression would probably change. perhaps Dan could clear this up for me. great otk position as always. the black and white drawings are really great and i collect all of them that i can get my hands on but somehow the coloring just makes all the details stand out more. nicely shaped spanker and spankee in the ward drawing. i couldn't make heads or tails out of the stray hem either unless the spanker tore the outfit to shreds?? the spankee almost looks like she's floating over the spanker's lap. the spankee has a sort of shocked and bewildered look on her face that gave me a chuckle. i like the second ward drawing much better. better otk position and i also like the way the spankee is obviously struggling :D . i got a laugh out of the doc cylon/Aphrodite spanking. actually, i found just the idea amusing and it does seem a reasonable thing for Zeus to do :lol: i sure wish they had shown the spanking in the steve canyon one.................sigh. the 3 stooges one was one of the strangest spankings i've ever seen :D . good updates again. thanks much. phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-CSR!! Want to post my comment on this week spanking drawings first up look like Zeus went lightly on Aphrodite`s tush being he could have set it on fire with a lighting bolt good drawing Doctor Cylon :lol: Dan Rivera`s female Psychiatrist spanked was great love the otk position with the woman`s bottom up high Dan do draw ladies with big rearends 8-) also like the look on the spanker`s face bet he going to enjoy spanking her :D the only problem I have is the spankee don`t have enough room to kick being the couch is to small should have use a chair. Web-ED could you tell me is the Three Stooges Rusty Romeos a remake being I remember seeing one with Shemp in it only they change the ending with the woman hitting all three guys in the head with a shovel before walking out.Really like this ending better :lol: wonder why there wasn`t any spanking of females on the Three Stooges would have been classic to see a triple spanking of three ladies over the knees of Moe Larry and Curly kicking and howling as their fannies is being roasted picture the sounds of those slaps to thier rears :shock: The Bill Ward Showgirl spanking was ok the otk was somewhat off and the spanker was spanking with the wrong hand. The second was good great position bottom up like that the spanker used a hairbrush to spank with also love the humor Mr. Goldbals this lady was indeed a gold digger who was angery that the maid chase off her man :lol: Steve Canyon spank Poteet was disapointing hate when the artist don`t show the spanking great buildup with Mr.Canyon rolling up his sleeve preparing to give a spanking Poteet wasn`t a happy young lady after that :lol: THANKS WEB-ED CSR!!!

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

Hiya Phil:

On the "Your Thoughts and Ours" thread, you wrote: "as far as her detached and professional expression goes, i had assumed that she could manage this because the spanker's hand had gone up but hadn't landed yet. looked to me like this spanker was pretty enthusiastic and that her expression would probably change. perhaps Dan could clear this up for me. great otk position as always."

As to the "detached and professional expression" on the psychiatrist, in my devious mind I had decided that Dr. Kathy Fox, the psychiatrist tending to this difficult case, was simply taking the spanking professionally and carrying on with her work. Yes indeed, the patient's hand HAD landed, probably several times, but Dr. Fox took it like a good sport, 'cause she considers it part of her job. And I thought that would be an amusing concept.

Another thought that flashed through my deranged mind was this: Maybe Dr. Kathy actually likes getting spanked in her private life, so now she was getting a two-fer: Doing her job and getting an enjoyable spanking at the same time!

And a still further thought was this: Maybe the patient, Mr. Davis, already knew that Dr. Kathy enjoyed getting spanked, so he figured, why not pretend it's part of my neurosis, and let her "treat" me for it?

See? A spanking situation (especially a drawing) is susceptible to so many different interpretations. That's part of their charm, I think. Yes, we enjoy seeing a pretty female getting her rear end smacked; but the reasoning behind such an event is wide open for discussion.

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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

thanks for clearing this up for me :D . it's interesting to be able to find out what your thoughts were when you did this toon. most of the time we don't get the luxury of talking to the artist.
daneldorado wrote:See? A spanking situation (especially a drawing) is susceptible to so many different interpretations. That's part of their charm, I think. Yes, we enjoy seeing a pretty female getting her rear end smacked; but the reasoning behind such an event is wide open for discussion.
this has to be exactly right! i have done pics where i figured what i had in mind was going to be perfectly clear to all viewers only to have someone make a comment that showed me they had a totally different idea. as you commented, the reasoning behind a spanking is wide open for discussion. everyone seems to have their own take on spanking and there's nothing wrong with that either. as a matter of fact, the more the merrier. thanks for sharing your thoughts on this one :D . phil
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Re: Weekly Updates for 09/23/2011

Post by web-ed »

butch46163@yahoo.com wrote: Web-ED could you tell me is the Three Stooges Rusty Romeos a remake being I remember seeing one with Shemp in it only they change the ending with the woman hitting all three guys in the head with a shovel before walking out. Really like this ending better :lol: wonder why there wasn`t any spanking of females on the Three Stooges would have been classic to see a triple spanking of three ladies over the knees of Moe Larry and Curly kicking and howling as their fannies is being roasted picture the sounds of those slaps to their rears :shock:
Although I'm no Three Stooges expert, Butch, while researching Rusty Romeos in preparing the video page I found out that it was indeed a remake of 1952's Corny Casanovas. And you're right: that one did have Shemp in it (Shemp Howard died in 1955 before the Rusty Romeos remake in 1957).

Why wasn't there more spanking in The Three Stooges? Actually, here in Chicago I tuned in Stooge-A-Palooza for a few minutes last Saturday night, and there was a stuffy society matron getting whacked in the butt with a broom or something through a rug. I think that's a clue: the Stooges had gotten their start in Vaudeville during the early 1920's when that kind of slapstick humor was still in vogue, and a female receiving a swat on her rear end was considered the height of wit. There was a scene like that in the screen version of Gypsy: a girl is tricked into bending over to receive a paddle swat. Maybe I should edit a video short of this scene, just for laughs. It did have an effect on me when I was young. Benny Hill occasionally did something similar - I'm sure I remember a pretty girl bending over and getting "shot" in the fanny with a flying pen.

But true spanking with OTK positioning that extends for a reasonably long period with multiple whacks doesn't really fall into the category of slapstick humor, so as great as it would have been to have had a Stooges triple-spanking, I'm afraid it just wasn't in the cards :( .

For Tanner: I remember Hercules only vaguely, but here's a photo of Alexandra Tydings to tide us over and remind everyone of just how spankable she and her character were:
Alexandra Tydings as Aphrodite.  Too bad they didn't decide to re-create The Chastisement of Venus!
Alexandra Tydings as Aphrodite. Too bad they didn't decide to re-create The Chastisement of Venus!
alexandra_tydings_18.jpg (42.46 KiB) Viewed 2438 times
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

THANKS WEB-ED FOR THE INFO!!!! TOO bad there wasn`t any spanking in THE THREE STOOGES or THe MARX BROTHERS MOVIES REMEMBER A JOKE Groucho made in the movie Go WEST were he told a beautiful Indian young women if I had a canoe I`ll paddle you .Oh how I wish to see him do just that to her :lol: A miss chance for a great movie spanking :evil:
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Weekly Updates for 09/30/2011

Post by web-ed »

For links please visit the Home Page (click on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other Forum page to get there).

The Humorama Series rolls on, a new comic strip spanking, and some Back To School-themed material make up this week's updates.
  • We revisit the classic National Lampoon Back to School issue with a beautiful scan of the cover art by Bernie Lettick.
  • Speaking of school, let's go back to Riverdale High and see what Hugob00m did with the famous "Mr. Lodge spanks Veronica at the dance" panel.
  • Doctor Cylon switches to modern art with Patty Callipygean.
Humorama Series:
  • Spanking-good irony as a hairdresser gets it with her own hairbrush!
  • More girl-girl action from Bill Ward as one girl gets to the seat of the trouble.
  • Yet more Bill Ward F/F with a new photo of his One Spank For Every Minute Late cartoon.
These are the last of my Ward F/F scenes, and probably his best. Next week, we get back to M/F (hooray!).

Comic Spankings:
  • Big Ben Bolt delivers a Spoiled Socialite Spanking!
Comics Spanking Data Base: (items not posted in the galleries) - Two more M/M scenes from the Golden Age, in Sparkling Stars #24 and 31. Interested readers should search on the title "Sparkling Stars" to locate these.

Golden Age Search: 2063 pages in September, increasing the overall total to 338,363; one M/F spanking from Women Outlaws discovered which had been previously overlooked. It will be posted next week.

Comic Strip Search: I didn't do much this week, but Dan Rivera dug up an interesting M/F scene from Johnny Hazard (you can see it in the Comics Book Spanking Forum). I've managed to pin down the date it first appeared and have found a possible source for a full-color reprint, but I don't have the cash for it right now. I'm going to hold off on putting it in Comics Gallery 2 until I see if I can get the color version.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

"Big Ben Bolt" always worried me. This strip was printed in 1960 and showed a white American World Heavyweight Boxing Champion. Could you imagine the reaction in the Southern States if the strip showed Flossy having her rump thumped by Floyd Patterson? Even the big Swede Ingemar Johannson would probably not have been white enough for the good ol' boys. :lol:

Re: Weekly Updates

Post by daneldorado »

What would your "good ol' boys" have to say about former World Heavyweight Champion Wladimir Klitschko and his brother Vitali Klitschko, who is the current champ? Both of them are whiter than white.

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Re: Weekly Updates for 09/30/2011

Post by hugob00m »

web-ed wrote:
  • We revisit the classic National Lampoon Back to School issue with a beautiful scan of the cover art by Bernie Lettick.
Bernie Lettick? Hmm! I didn't know the artist's name before. Thanks for that information... along with a great scan of the notorious picture. Wow! I remember what a stir that magazine caused when it first came out! (and how excited I was to see a spanking depictied so out in the open in a mainstream publication!)
web-ed wrote:[*]Speaking of school, let's go back to Riverdale High and see what Hugob00m did with the famous "Mr. Lodge spanks Veronica at the dance" panel. [/list]
Given Veronica's demeanor, and Dan Decarlo's skill in depicting a young lady over a man's knee, it's a real shame she didn't get spanked a lot more often!
web-ed wrote:Humorama Series:
  • Spanking-good irony as a hairdresser gets it with her own hairbrush!
  • More girl-girl action from Bill Ward as one girl gets to the seat of the trouble.
  • Yet more Bill Ward F/F with a new photo of his One Spank For Every Minute Late cartoon.
These are the last of my Ward F/F scenes, and probably his best. Next week, we get back to M/F (hooray!).
Hooray is right! I just don't enjoy the F/F as much as M/F. Of all the implements that can be used to spank a woman's backside, none are nearly as enjoyable as a man's palm! Although, I suppose the reason Ward drew so many F/F poses was that he could emphasize the breasts of the spanker and the buttocks of the spankee. Still... I'd rather see a man spank a woman!

And one more thing... Thanks for posting that delicious photo of Alexandra Tydings as Aphrodite from the Hercules TV series. Unfortunately, there don't seem to be any photos anywhere of Ms Tydings in that costume, with the cameraman standing behind her! (@#$%!)
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

Nice variety this week.
The Big Ben Bolt spanking is a classic example of oldtime Comics spanking. A spoiled heiress getting spanked in front of her chauffeur whom she had slapped and insulted. She deserved that humiliation immensely.
Despite her "it hurts" have to wonder how much a spanking over a fur coat really did hurt. Found myself wishing she had been wearing a swimsuit, or a pair of shorts. She really would have felt the sting she deserved then.
The Doc Cylon-what a gorgeous piece of callipygian artwork. Like imagining that its a pair of famous female buttocks, like those of Shakira or Jennifer Lopez that had gotten turned that shade of red.
The Bill Wards-all nice. The hairbrush for being late would have been even better if it had been a mother and daughter. As I have said before, I like F/F(and can do totally without ever seeing F/M and M/M). If its a gorgeous female posterior that is being shown spanked it does not really matter who is doing the spanking-just that they do a good job. And I love mother/daughter and women spanking women who flirt with their husbands or boyfriends especially.
You mentioned model Diane Weber. You may know she was an advocate of naturism back in the day. I believe she even has a Yahoo group in her honor.
Now that would be art well-worth seeing- a nudist getting a spanking, perhaps when she insisted on going naked somewhere it was prohibited.
And thanks for the Alexandra Tydings shot. Like you say, too bad she never got the chastisement of Venus treatment.
Another one even more spankable on the Hercules show as fitness model Cory Everson who played Atalanta- and wore a costume that exposed her entire bottom. If you run a picture of her people will know what I mean. It was impossible to watch an episode where she appeared and not long and long for her to be given a really sound spanking.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

this is indeed a great, clear scan of the national lampoon cover, which is, of course, a classic spanking drawing :D . what i really like about this scan is that it brings out all the details so well. i have to wonder if this drawing didn't take quite some time to complete. i have a hunch that i might have had this issue at the time it came out. in those days i might have bought the magazine just for the cover :lol: . at the risk of boring some of the readers i'm gonna expound on your discussion of slide rules and calculators. my 3 years in the army was over in december of 1971 and i went back to school at Purdue university in the spring of 1972. across the street from the north east corner of the campus there was an electronics shop which had a big sign in the window. the sign said something like this, Texas Instruments SR-10. will add, subtract, multiply, divide and take percents and square roots. $149.95" i had a slide rule of course :lol: . thanks much for the complete story of Veronica getting spanked. it always makes the spanking so much more enjoyable :D . of course, so does the fact that Veronica "really" deserved it! i really like Boom's adaptation of this one. too bad there's that giant yellow pain star there. the pic by patty and the doc cylon improvements are very nice :D . the spankee in the hairdresser spanking does indeed seems to have a submissive attitude about it. i was thinking that perhaps the spanking was a reward for doing a good job instead of punishment for a bad one. i guess that really doesn't go with the caption though. in the second Ward spanking, the spankee's expression is almost nondescript. at first i could figure out why she wasn't reacting at all. as you mentioned though, her eyes do appear to be closed so maybe you're right and she's just relaxed and enjoying the sensations. i personally think this is one of Ward's best efforts as far as the otk positioning goes. i like the spankee's position in "one for every minute late" drawing. i agree that her face shows more emotion than usual and she appears to me to be worried and maybe a little frantic :D . i like the way she's reaching back perhaps to try to protect her bottom too. it looks strange that the spanker apparently has her right arm at her side though. i think it would have been better if she was reaching to stop the spankee's hand from interfering with the spanking. it's always good to see a spoiled socialite, as depicted in Big Ben Bolt, get a good spanking. good updates. thanks for sharing them with us. phil
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Re: Weekly Updates for 09/30/2011

Post by web-ed »

I'm glad everyone liked this week's updates. Now for some specific follow-ups:
willjohn wrote:"Big Ben Bolt" always worried me. This strip was printed in 1960 and showed a white American World Heavyweight Boxing Champion. Could you imagine the reaction in the Southern States if the strip showed Flossy having her rump thumped by Floyd Patterson? Even the big Swede Ingemar Johannson would probably not have been white enough for the good ol' boys. :lol:
I think you're right, willjohn, in that a black man spanking a white woman would have been controversial in the deep south at this time (1960). But comic-book publishers were typically low on guts, and Hollywood producers were even more craven, so that particular envelope never got pushed. In the I Spy spanking I posted a few months ago, you'll note it was Robert Culp and not Bill Cosby who spanked Mary Jane Saunders off-camera, and all the spankings from comic books and strips that I can think of were white on white. Probably a black on black spanking would have been o.k.

The legitimate theatre was far superior morally and artistically to Hollywood, and there we had interracial romance at about the same time as the Big Ben Bolt episode in the musical No Strings (also No Spanking, alas). Had Richard Kiley spanked Diahann Carroll on stage in New York instead of only kissing her, I don't think it would have been too controversial. It would be interesting to know how a black/white spanking would have been received.
hugob00m wrote: I just don't enjoy the F/F as much as M/F.
Tanner wrote: As I have said before, I like F/F (and can do totally without ever seeing F/M and M/M).
The overwhelming preference among CSR readers is for M/F material with F/F being viewed as acceptable or moderately enjoyable but not as much as M/F, I view I both share and understand. However, I do have some obligations to F/M and even M/M fans, and also some responsibility as the sole possessor among spankos (in some cases) of rare F/M and M/M items to get these out there where those who are interested can see them, even though the rest of us aren't interested.
I'm rather proud, for example, of being the discoverer of four out of the five known Mary Marvel F/M spankings, although of course I wish they had featured Mary on the receiving end.

My policy at this point is not to post M/M items unless a costumed hero is involved, and not to post F/M items unless it's either a superheroine or the material is in some way exceptional (for instance, a historical curiosity or very rare item). Both M/M and F/M will have warning labels, a practice suggested by Dan Rivera. I have no M/M stuff left in the files (to be posted) I'm glad to say, but I do have some F/M Humorama cartoons that will be posted on 10/28 for Halloween Horror week. They will not be part of the ongoing Humorama Series and will be segregated and labeled at the bottom of the Humor Gallery. I'm doing these because it still strikes me as incredible that Wenzel and Stiles ever did any F/M stuff (Ward is less surprising because his late work featured this orientation).
Tanner wrote: You mentioned model Diane Weber. You may know she was an advocate of naturism back in the day. I believe she even has a Yahoo group in her honor.
Now that would be art well-worth seeing- a nudist getting a spanking, perhaps when she insisted on going naked somewhere it was prohibited.
And thanks for the Alexandra Tydings shot. Like you say, too bad she never got the chastisement of Venus treatment.
Another one even more spankable on the Hercules show as fitness model Cory Everson who played Atalanta- and wore a costume that exposed her entire bottom. If you run a picture of her people will know what I mean. It was impossible to watch an episode where she appeared and not long and long for her to be given a really sound spanking.
Yes, I knew that Diane Weber (a/k/a Marguerite Empey) was a naturist - it must have added a little excitement to her pin-up photos back in the day for the men looking at them to know she had no inhibitions regarding taking her clothes off and parading around au naturel at some nudist colony. I've got some pictures of her in my Humorama digests, but rather than go through them just now I scrounged up this picture of her so everyone else can see what she looked like:
Diane Weber - Sexy!
Diane Weber - Sexy!
webber_diane.jpg (26.04 KiB) Viewed 2188 times
And while we're in visual mode, let's take a look at Cory Everson also:
Cory Everson - sexy!
Cory Everson - sexy!
Cory Everson 13.jpg (169.21 KiB) Viewed 2188 times
I see what you mean about her being spankable! I don't think you'll get any arguments from anyone on this board. :)
overbarrel49 wrote: i went back to school at Purdue university in the spring of 1972. across the street from the north east corner of the campus there was an electronics shop which had a big sign in the window. the sign said something like this, Texas Instruments SR-10. will add, subtract, multiply, divide and take percents and square roots. $149.95" i had a slide rule of course :lol:
And finally, some thoughts on the slide rule: I had one myself back in the 70's. I recently got rid of my old SR-55 calculators (I probably should have sold them on e-bay) but I still have a working TI-30 from 1977.
Texas Instruments' SR-10 - sexy!
Texas Instruments' SR-10 - sexy!
tisr10.jpg (15.23 KiB) Viewed 2188 times
Last edited by web-ed on Fri Sep 30, 2011 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: correct tense
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

daneldorado wrote:What would your "good ol' boys" have to say about former World Heavyweight Champion Wladimir Klitschko and his brother Vitali Klitschko, who is the current champ? Both of them are whiter than white.

Back then they would have been Reds coming out from under her bed! :cry:
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Weekly Updates for 10/07/2011

Post by web-ed »

For links please visit the Home Page (click on "Chicago Spanking Review" at the top of this or any other Forum page to get there).

Notes on this week's updates:
  • A woman believes it's good to have a man around the house, but she may have second thoughts when he spanks her! New scan of this early Bill Ward cartoon.
  • It's back to M/F in the Humorama Series and we're going to stick with Bill Ward for awhile beginning with two variations on the old "Oh, sorry Miss - I was just trying to swat a fly" gag.
  • Doctor Cylon animates Cave Girl Meriem.
  • Pablo kindly sent us his variations on the Combat Casey spanking in which Casey bares Torchy's now-rounder bottom - sizzling!
  • We had once lamented finding no spankings in the Golden Age Women Outlaws comic book, which seemed an ideal hunting ground - these were stories of very bad girls, after all. Well, it turns out there was at least one over-the-knee (or over-the-horse) scene featuring the notorious outlaw Belle Starr - and we had completely missed it! There was a clue in one item from Mike's collection of spanking material that he recently turned over to us. Wasting no time in hunting through our digital comics collection, we found it right away! Not a great scene, but we'll take it.
In the Humorama Search, I found two new "spankers", but one of them is questionable and the other is unusable. Eric Ericson, not one of Humorama's more prolific contributors, did an early fly-swatting gag that, dating from 1954, actually predates what I had thought was the earliest spanker, a Bill Wenzel secretary one from 1955 (this date is still uncertain). It seems strange that this cartoon, which mixes up the spanking gag with a silly one about giving the fly a sporting chance, should wind up being the first "spanker", but perhaps that's how history will have to record it.

The second one is from Bill Ward, the exact opposite of Ericson when it came to the amount of material he provided to editor Abe Goodman. It's F/M, which is bad, and involves a juvenile, which is worse. It's basically a wrong-handed mother/son spanking with dad looking on as mom says, "This will make a more lasting impression on Junior than washing his mouth out with soap!" This is not at all Ward's usual style, in which any humor that may be present is subordinated to the presentation of sexy women - it's almost a Dennis The Menace type of gag. I won't post it, but if anyone is curious, you can send me a PM or email and I'll forward it to you.

The Supergirl Silver-Age Spanking Search crawls on at a glacial pace and is now 95% complete. I secured some more rotten issues of Jimmy Olsen and crossed them off the list. I really hate wasting my time on bad comics in which Supergirl only made a cameo appearance anyway, but it's got to be done. With 10 more books to be examined, we're still a ways from completion, but it's safe to say this Holy Grail of superhero spanking does not exist. Why carry on the search, then? Because I have to be 100% certain, that's why! :geek:

Next week: I revamp the Fiction Section and add a new story by Mike, the Humorama Series continues with two more from Bill Ward, and one of the very few spankings from crime comics. See you then! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

in the ward-good man spank i have to agree with you about the position of her legs. not only does it not look right but also ward has missed a good opportunity here. had the legs been farther down it would allow the curves of her bottom to stand out more and dominate the center of the pic. true, you don't get a look at her bottom but those curves give a good indication of it and are pretty enticing from this view point. i like her startled expression too. the position of her eyes is what makes the expression in this one. he has her looking slightly off to one side which makes her look as if she's wondering where she went wrong and also shows more of the whites of her eyes adding to the startled look. the man swatting the "fly" in the first one of these is in deep trouble. i suspect that friends will be reading his obituary in tomorrow's paper if the look on his wife's face is any indication :lol: i love the surprised look and posture of the swattee............not to mention her outfit :D the guy grinning in the background is a nice touch too. what i really like about the second fly swatting one the shape of her bottom...........sure glad the wind was blowing :D . i wish this had been a better scan but it's all i had. in the Meriem spanking, i too liked the shape and the color of her bottom :D . nice cave man hands spanking her too. i loved the Casey modifications that Pablo sent :D . nice round, red bottom just as it should be. i like the stretched panties showing in the second one and also the mussed hair and the painful expression :D . as for Belle Starr...........you're right. it is a strange position. it almost looks like he forgot the spankee in the spanking pic and added her later??? good updates again :D . thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

Ward `s Good man to have around the house spanking was somewhat good althought the position look like she was mostly on the edge of his lap nice curvy bottom and shaply legs like the look of surprise on her face as her bottom is being spanked also is she kicking?great humour :lol: THe Belle Starr spanking is also disapointing :evil: the ony thing I like about this drawing was the spankee face :) Thumbs up for The Cave Girl Meriem spanking Great buttocks love the animation only wish she was in the bongo position on a cave man`s knee :D Bill Ward`s Behind swat I mean Fly Swat 1 and 2 was very funny and well drawn love the shaply rears on the ladies no wonder those guys wanted to swat thier bottoms :lol: The Combat Casey spanking was great love the long pencil skirt on the spankee also like the otk position with the woman botton up CAsey seem to to a hard spanker juding by the hugh amount of sparks coming from the spankee behind also like the after with her bottom still sparking :lol: Great remake of the Casey Spanking With The skirt of the spankee cut off :oops: THANKS WEB-ED CSR!!!!
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