Weekly Updates

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
* Be nice.
* Please keep to the forum subject. If you have an idea for a new forum, please send a PM to web-ed.
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Weekly Updates for 08/16/2024

Post by web-ed »

Super-Spanking Summer continues:
  • The Mary Jane Mini-Series continues and concludes with Mary Jane Spanked Again from Doctor Cylon.
  • The Wonder Woman Series continues with The
  • Butler Spanks Wonder Woman. (We've all heard the phrase, "The butler did it" but we thought it referred to a murder mystery. Not this guy - he smacks WW on her bare bottom!)
  • Blast from the Past: Phantom Spanks Queen Pera #1 - new colored version of this classic comeuppance spanking!
Halfway through August already so we've only got two more weeks of Super-Spanking Summer, alas. Next week's updates are already coded, so once I finish the two remaining ones for Aug. 30, I'll see if I can do any more so we go out with a bang! I'm working from my super-secret "vacation" hideaway - my vacations are notorious for not being very restful and leaving me more tired than I was when I left - but so far it's going o.k. and I hope to get some more work for CSR done while I'm here.

Probably the best thing about this week's updates is that they're all M/F (implied in Doctor Cylon's case with Mary Jane). I do have some more Mary Jane spankings but it looks like they'll have to wait until next summer.

One of the greatest spankings from the comics had to be Phantom/Queen Pera, and the colored version I added to the page is very nice. I have no idea if Todd is still coloring anything as I haven't heard from him for years, but I'm pretty sure I have one or two more of his colorizations socked away somewhere. My files are organized by category, not personnel, so I'm going by memory on that.

This week's Wonder Woman entry is rather strange, as I have no idea who this Butler is or why he's spanking Wonder Woman, but perhaps we shouldn't worry about that too much. The main thing is the Diana is over his knee, and boy oh boy do those bare buttocks of hers make for a tempting target! :D

Next week we focus on Emma Frost, the White Queen (with a red bottom!). See you then! :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR Doctor Cylon turning Maryjane Watson `s bottom the same color of her husband Spiderman mask is Excellent 8-) 8-) :lol: she will remember this spanking for a long time!!!!! The only Butler that come put Wonder Woman over his lap is Batman`s Alfred Pennyworth :twisted: :twisted: the guy knock out Superman once in a comic plus gave a early version of Catwoman a spanking so hard she couldn`t sit down :twisted: :lol: :lol: the otk is perfect as he is fanning WW bare bottom nicely! love the little choke he giving her as he is taking care on business :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: Awesome artwork!!! what a wonderful time to be a spanko back in the Golden age of comics ad movie when spanking the curvy bottom of bad females was the norm! Too bad this isn`t a thing anymore :cry: :cry: Queen Pera have gotten two spankings from The Phantom and one from Jorge :twisted: :lol: this one is ok but I think the second one in color is far better!!! Thanks Stay Safe
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

A bit of clarification- there are two comics panels of the Phantom spanking Queen Pera, but its all the same spanking. Yes, two bad he didn't get to give her two!
I have seen the Batman butler spanking, probably on here. This is a great one-WW completely barebutted not just panties down.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

The butler found a good solid bum for spanking in Wonder Woman! :lol:
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Weekly Updates for 08/23/2024

Post by web-ed »

Super-Spanking Summer continues with a Focus on Frost - Emma Frost, that is. Trust us: her fanny won't be frosty after our crew of stalwarts is finished with it!
O.K., there's no particular reason for us to "Focus on (Emma) Frost" other than that we needed to use up some of my X-Men spanking material and Emma seems to be a popular spankee with spanking artists, but anyway she gets spanked twice this week and once more next week. The other scheduled new spanking is a couple of unfamiliar characters who are the original creations of the artist, but it's a good M/F scene for the conclusion of Super-Spanking Summer.

This week's "Blast From the Past" is a sixth spanking for a nameless superheroine who got her fanny tanned five times back in 2018! Now, the very next year (2019) Fanz123 (who's a member of this board as well as a CSR contributor) sent me a sixth spanking and some other related material that he dug up for us, and it grieves me that it's taken me another five years to get around to posting it. Why does it take me so long to get to anything?

Well, one problem is that I organize the spanking material categorically and have no effective way to access it chronologically. Therefore, I couldn't do FIFO (First In, First Out) with the updates even if I wanted to, and I don't actually want the individual galleries organized that way anyway. Now it may be that faithful CSR readers simply look at the new updates each week and may have almost forgotten that they're organized by general and sometimes specific subject matter; thus, a group of Wonder Woman spankings will appear close together in either Comics Gallery 1 or 2, depending on whether the scene came from an actual comic or not. Therefore, I have to select the general type of series I want to do and then try to remember what's been in the files the longest.

Poor Fanz123 may have thought I'd forgotten about him or didn't like the new material, but nope, that wasn't it. So a big thanks to him for providing us with Spanking #6 for a heroine who probably retired from the superhero game with a sore bottom! :lol:

Another reason is that the years 2019 - 2021 were extremely hard on me, and I really wondered if I could keep going at all. Some of you may remember my mentioning this back in 2021. I did try around that time or the following year to get to the oldest material, but it was a struggle because as I explained before, I have to work from memory as the material is not organized chronologically.

I'm still up in Michigan and still going through the wringer, but still hanging in there and still coding new pages, so be here next week for the cataclysmic conclusion to Super-Spanking Summer!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by willjohn »

Emma's bottom is too nice and shapely to waste on a machine. She should've spanked with a man's open hand. :roll:
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Re: Emma Spanked by Machine

Post by web-ed »

willjohn wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:13 pm Emma's bottom is too nice and shapely to waste on a machine. She should've spanked with a man's open hand. :roll:
I think we (at CSR) all agree on that, Willjohn. I don't understand this fascination some artists have with spanking machines - don't they imagine themselves giving that spanking to the spankee themselves? There is a disturbing tendency toward voyeurism in some erotica, I'm afraid. :( It's like these guys want to observe but not do it themselves, which is hard to understand.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by jimc »

I like the last pages.I love the Snow queen ones.sorry I have not responded when hearing about your illness I had similar issues and also computer issues.I have to find CSR by roundabout ways ( going through your profile on deviant art) and most of the times I just look for the new.I thank you for CSR and all the work you do to keep it going.I have seen some artists at deviant wonder if you can use them from deviant art to CSR without hassle of extra coding like espec22 or radical Edward as there are some really great super heroines getting spanked in their folders and I think you would enjoy them.check out my page also at deviant art I am agotkl1. Thanks again for all you do and have shared.hope you feel better soon
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR Super Spanking Summer is getting closer to the end :cry: but that doesn`t mean spankings in comics will end specially with my favorite time Halloween approaching :D :D anyway leave it to Doctor Cylon to humble a naughty Queen via a sound spanking :twisted: :lol: I think Miss Frost bottom experienced a Heatwave it will never forget :lol: :lol: love her facial expression! Super Drawing! There a movie coming out next week call Afraid that the tag line said what if AI could punish !! now this made me think about this drawing of Emma Frost being spanked by a machine :twisted: :twisted: X spanking to me is ok ! read a couple of nice spanking fictions where bad women were giving spanking by machines !!! but I still prefer giving or watching a lady over a male knee giving her comeuppance 8-) 8-) Nice drawing ! at first glance I thought Daphne from Scooby Doo was being spanked by a mask criminal :twisted: :lol: :lol: until I read the caption Super heroine :lol: :lol: the otk is good and the Space Geek who reminds me of the aliens who got spanked by Super girl in a silver age comic is a nice spanker! Good drawing! Thanks and be safe!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by web-ed »

jimc wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2024 7:01 am I like the last pages.I love the Snow queen ones. sorry I have not responded when hearing about your illness I had similar issues and also computer issues. I have to find CSR by roundabout ways ( going through your profile on deviant art) and most of the times I just look for the new. I thank you for CSR and all the work you do to keep it going.I have seen some artists at deviant wonder if you can use them from deviant art to CSR without hassle of extra coding like espec22 or radical Edward as there are some really great super heroines getting spanked in their folders and I think you would enjoy them.check out my page also at deviant art I am agotkl1. Thanks again for all you do and have shared.hope you feel better soon
Hi Jim! Let me respond to the various points in your post one by one:

1. Don't worry about not writing anything about my illness. It was a nasty virus to be sure, but I'm still a lot better off than people who suffer from chronic conditions and although I appreciated the sympathy I received here, I knew you have had computer issues for a long time. In fact, I nearly sent you an old computer of mine several years ago when I got my current one, but I decided the old one would have been more trouble to you than it was worth (the CPU kept overheating, which would crash the unit). If I do wind up with an extra, older but still functional computer, I'll contact you. (I'm all recovered now, by the way, although it took weeks.)

2. One easy way you can find CSR from a computer that doesn't have the site bookmarked is to search on "Chicago spanking" or "Comic spanking" or even "Batgirl spanking"! Because CSR has over 2000 pages now, the search engines do find it despite the problems with their search algorithms.

3. Deviant Art: I do take material from there, and in fact I just realized earlier this week that's where Radical Edward's work could be found. (I had located it somewhere else). In fact, I stumbled over your page there at the same time! (I recognized your user name "agotkl1" there from your old days on Yahoo!). I will look more carefully at it later, along with that of espec22, which I didn't know about. My search time is horribly limited these days.

4. I've been grateful for your help and support all these years! Thanks again, and take care of yourself!
-- Web-Ed
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Weekly Updates for 08/30/2024

Post by web-ed »

It's the cataclysmic conclusion to Super-Spanking Summer!
I haven't quite exhausted Doctor Cylon's superheroine material, so we'll have more of it next summer. This week, Emma Frost's fanny gets defrosted fast with the Good Doctor's animated hairbrush! We haven't seen one of those for a while.

There's a lot of computer-assisted art out there these days, only a small fraction of which can be presented here on CSR. "Hotrod Spanks Ultrawoman" sort of grabbed me for some reason, probably Ultrawoman's shapely rear, and I hope everyone enjoys it.

Two unforgettable superhero spankings from comic books were surely "Spirit Spanks Ellen" and "Batman Spanks Marcia Monroe," which is why I thought they'd make a good choice for our finale this week. They both inspired independent artists to take a whack at them, and 11 of the combined new versions fall into that category (the other two being different newspaper versions of the original Spirit strip from Dec. 1, 1940).

Next week, it's a Return to Riverdale High for our annual Homecoming Issue! Due to the time it took me to produce the Spirit and Batman updates, I haven't coded it yet, but I believe I have a small amount of Archie material left in the files.

After that, we'll have to see. We'll probably turn to any contributions to the site I can remember that have been languishing in my files or perhaps my remaining modern comics stuff. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR Well the end of Super Spanking Summer comes to an end :cry: :cry: but what a ending it is :D :D this week drawings are Super HOT !!! starting off with Doctor Cylon putting his hairbrush to good use on the very curvy plump behind of The White Queen love how her buttocks bounce from each swat of that brush :twisted: :lol: :lol: Exciting drawing 8-) never Heard of HotRod5 before but I think he need to put a little more effort in his spanking of Ultrawoman :twisted: :lol: :lol: the otk is nice but the look on Ultrawoman`s face is saying maybe a little harder :lol: :lol: Good drawing! The Spirit Spanking Ellen Dolan is good !think him tanning the backside of Huntress is better :twisted: :lol: :lol: but the otk and him lifting the tail of her jacket to spank her tail is Great :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol: Still Mad that the live action movie didn`t include Spanking Frank miller really dropped the ball :evil: :evil: Batman Spanking Marcia Monroe is one f the best spanking scene in Silver Age comics wasn`t this also the era of Romance comics :?: :?: :D :D not only was the spanking good but the build up and post spanking scene were great like how Bruce Wayne sit back happy while reading how Batman humiliated this spoil woman :twisted: :lol: :lol: really wished that more bad women had experience that kind of painful justice across Batman`s lap :twisted: :twisted: :lol: :lol: :lol: was reading a good story about the movie hellraiser and how the actress that played Julia wanted her and her lover Frank to be into spanking ! being Frank was giving her what she begged her husband to do :twisted: :twisted: :D :D To me this would have been Great being this movie was about S&M torture Demons that love inflicting pain and suffering to their victims :twisted: :twisted: :D :D anyway Thanks and have a Happy Labor Day weekend also be safe!!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by jimc »

I really enjoyed this animation of the Snow queen from FROZEN getting the hairbrush.it is always great to revisit some of the others that really started CSR. Thanks for the offer for the computer,but that is precisely what happened with the other one.ironically I think I got my virus from a spanking site. Another computer issue I have is that I do have a family computer that I cannot use for replies,but I can view some sites.I have gotten a new tablet that does give me more freedom now,but I am still cautious about getting a virus from a spanking site.I am glad you were able to find the artists from deviant art and hope you can find the time to use some of them. My hope was that you would not have to code them if they came from your account in deviant art and thereby saving you time. I certainly don't want you to have extra work. I was also going way back to when CSR started and you found and posted my stories and I told you about some of my tv fan fiction.these were recently reposted in my pages as agotkl1 under featured folders . I know you don't have the time to view them,but I was just remembering back when you did begin CSR and just wanted you to at least know that those have been found at long last thanks again for all you share enjoy your day.
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Weekly Updates for 09/06/2024

Post by web-ed »

It's just after Labor Day, which means it's time for our annual Homecoming Week! And to celebrate, we return to Riverdale High for some spankings with the Archie gang.
  • But first, Doctor Cylon's Tinker Bell Series returns with Tink's Tush. The reason we're going back to Tinker Bell is that I didn't have any more Archie material in Doc's files, although something could still be hiding in there somewhere (I have it subdivided, and the Archie stuff is supposed to be in one folder).
  • Then we skirt the periphery of the Archie Universe with a young woman who bears a suspicious resemblance to Sabrina the Teen-Age Witch getting Twelve of the Best from Principal Betterby. I really can't remember where I found this one (if I did and it wasn't a contribution), but it's pretty good despite being a little strange.
  • Next, Betty gets Spanked by her Father in the style of a Dan DeCarlo Humorama cartoon! This one is by Tony Farr, whom we'll be seeing more of when I can get around to him.
  • And for the Grand Finale, Archie Spanks a Redhead in an actual comic book! Yes, it's another accidental spanking, but without the OTK position. Still, it counts as we're sure our sore-bottomed redhead would agree! :lol:
I'd like to talk about next week, but I haven't coded it yet. We're going to continue the Doctor Cylon Tinker Bell Series until that material is used up, which I think is another three weeks or so. As for the rest, I think I should do some more comics stuff and also try to get to whatever reader contributions have been sitting around in the files for years. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR TINKER BELL has one of the best tush in DIsney no wonder Peter Pan like spanking it :twisted: :D but he`s no Doctor Cylon who an expert in turning a pretty tush red! Great drawing Didn`t know Mr. Weatherbee had a brother :lol: :lol: and judging on how he is canning Betty`s bottom is much sterner :twisted:Betty buttocks are nice and round in this drawing Exciting :D :D Betty being spanked by her father is nice but it would have been much better if she was embarrassed and begging not to be spanked in front of Archie :lol: :lol: speaking of Archie he must really like that redhead woman`s to first smack it with a board then with a piece of insulation :lol: :lol: Great Thanks be safe
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Weekly Updates for 09/13/2024

Post by web-ed »

  • Doctor Cylon's Tinker Bell Series continues with Tinker Bell Happy. :D
  • Artist Paula Meadows only did one comic strip that we know of, and that was The Exploits of Mitzi, a French maid who has the bad habit of stealing from her employers and the good habit of getting spanked for it! :lol:
  • And then we return to Coco our trusty Hofbrauhaus waiter where we left him last spring, paddling another pretty girl in Coco and His Paddle #9. This one features a spankee in cut-off jeans videographed from the side which allows us to fully appreciate how the wooden paddle lifts up her fanny to produce excellent results, so we produced no fewer than ten versions including several in slow-motion! :shock:
I actually had finished the work on Coco #9 last May, but then it was time for Super-Spanking Summer and I decided it could wait until fall to be posted - and now that time has come! I did spend a lot of time on it, but everyone will see why when they view it. One of the fascinating things about the paddle as a spanking implement is how it lifts up the spankee's buttocks upon impact, although you can't always see the effect. In this case, viewed from the side, you can, and so I made the most of it! :lol:

I do have more public paddlings on video, and one of these days I'll try to gather up whatever remaining Coco material is out there, and I would like to get through more of the video material in my files, but it will all depend on just how many minutes I can scrape together in a week to edit and code the stuff - the same old problem.

Paula Meadows seems to have liked French maids, and I think all of you will like The Adventures of Mitzi. I put a link on the page so you can search out the remainder of the Mitzi material on the 8Muses site, but I have gathered the best of it for this week. I know I have more of Paula still in the files, including some from Doctor Cylon, but I don't know when we'll see it. I did Mitzi this week because I'm trying to get through all my modern comics material.

So where are we going from here? I decided to conclude the Tinker Bell material in the Doctor Cylon collection before moving on to something else, what I don't know. I mentioned the modern comics above, and I would also like to post whatever material my faithful contributors have sent it. The problem is that it's not organized by contributor, so I have to go through files and other records to try to figure out who sent me what. :?

For the board, I'm going to dig through the Missed Opportunities in Humorama and its rival publications. The Humorama Models are very popular, so as I mentioned in that thread they will return next summer. :)
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by butch46163@yahoo.com »

HI WEB-ED CSR!!! Fall is in the air and the Spooky Season have just begun but no matter how cool the weather will get the spanking drawings on CSR is still HOT!!!! Tinker Bell might by happy now but I doubt she was when Doctor Cylon was reddening her plump bottom with his hairbrush :twisted: :lol: :lol: Good drawing! Always loved Paula Meadows art work in Februs magazine 8-) 8-) and her drawing of Mitzi spankings are EXCELLENCE!!! love to see more!! Coco got to be the happiest man on the planet and the way he paddle those women bottoms is perfect :D :D meaning being a man that knows how to use a spanking tool on a tender female`s buttocks take skill ! Great video Thanks Be Safe!!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by jimc »

I really enjoy tinker bell visiting Dr. Cylon. I really love Betty getting a spanking from her father and saying Archie should do it.I really enjoy that artist as I really think he really does some great otk. I recently saw that you have posted a Radical Edward find and while I never thought that it was based on Endart or modified( you have a much more discerning eye than I do) I did agree with you as I did see the similarity after you mentioned it. One of radical Edward artworks does have Lois Lane getting a spanking from Clark Kent and that is so good if there was a comic hall of fame about spanking that would be the Mona Lisa at least in my humble opinion. I do enjoy Betty getting spanked by the principal and I would enjoy any of the Archie girls to spend time with the principal especially otk.great finds.Thanks for sharing and have a great day.
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Weekly Updates for 09/20/2024

Post by web-ed »

Butch - Glad you liked last week's updates!

Jim - I actually do have that Clark/Lois spanking you mentioned, and I'll try to remember to post it next Super-Spanking Summer!

After losing a significant amount of summer to a particularly nasty virus (as I've already mentioned), this week I was sidelined again by a strange condition that I won't describe here and whose exact cause remains obscure. I am, however, better now, and so we'll carry on with the updates although of course I'm now further behind on everything. It's very frustrating for me to have my hard-earned progress with CSR (and other fronts) repeatedly lost to sudden illness or injury, but that's the way this year has gone. I should be able to get next week's updates posted on time. For this week we have:
  • Doctor Cylon's Tinker Bell Series continues with Tink Touches Her Toes.
    The original art here is by Kevin Karstens, whom we've seen many times before and who does an excellent job, and obviously ol' Doc wasn't about to waste an opportunity like the one her position provides!
  • Years ago we were asked if we could provide the spanking from the comic book Firkin - and here it finally is! :) I scooped this one up years ago and simply never got around to posting it. I wonder if anyone from that original discussion thread on Chross's old board still remembers it coming up there, or is still following CSR?
-- Web-Ed
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