The truth about "spanking"

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The truth about "spanking"

Post by daneldorado »

Don't know if this theory has been broached in this forum before, but now the problem has reached critical mass, and I think it deserves discussion by all spankos.

It's this: When I was a young man, the word "spanking" meant one thing, and that was a girl or a young woman being put over a man's knee, whether forcibly or consensually, and then receiving continuous smacks on her bottom with the palm of the man's hand.

That flirty but innocent image invited us in to the spanking fraternity at large, and we dutifully "signed up" on multiple websites and message forums.

That was then, in the 1980s. The video that convinced me to join the worldwide fraternity of spankos was not a video at all, but a Super-8mm film. Don't remember if it had a title, but it starred William Margold as the spanker, and the spankee was Pat Manning. Incidentally, the spanking in that film is STILL the hardest I have ever seen. That woman must have had the highest pain threshhold in the free world!

Fast forward to 2015. Nowadays the meaning of "spanking" has undergone a metamorphosis. Where earlier we had enjoyed watching a man put a squirming girl over his lap and then raising her skirt to bare the target for Man's hand, now we see girls bending over a bench or against a wall to be beaten with a rod or a whip as if they were not humans at all, but lowly animals. The gamier sites will go even further, by pulling down the undergarments and sodomizing the girls.

Is that really "spanking?" Well, it isn't what I signed up for.

'Nowadays whenever we log into a "spanking" site to peruse a few of their pictures, we are assaulted by images of women beating women, which are no fun at all to me; or images of women being tortured with harsh weapons. Again, no fun for me. What ever happened to the innocent, flirty, hand spankings over a man's knee? Those are the pictures that got most of us to join the spanko fraternities... but those tame pics are now an endangered species.

I still happily remember a sound spanking I delivered to a beautiful blonde named Beverly, back in the early 2000s, where I held her over my lap for about half an hour, and spanked her so hard that MY OWN RIGHT HAND finally split open and I had to get some first-aid! Yes, it was painful, and embarrassing, but once my hand was bandaged, I was left with the happy memory of that golden spanking, and the fact that Beverly was perfectly okay with it. I spanked her a second time, about a month later, and this time I went easier on my hand but plenty hard on Bev's butt. She was a great lady in the spanking scene.

But of course, those were "innocent" spankings, the girl over my knee getting spanked with my hand and nothing else. How I wish the "scene" were still that innocent!

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Re: The truth about "spanking"

Post by web-ed »

Wow - you covered quite a lot of ground there, Dan, but you did stick to one general theme: the gradual metamorphosis of adult spanking material from relatively innocent OTK fun to the diverging paths of (1) Caning/whipping; (2) F/F scenes; (3) Overt sexual acts; (4) Violent misogynistic porn. There is some overlap between these items, but I'll tackle them one at a time.
  1. Caning/whipping - these are actually two different things. I love caning myself (at a reasonable level of intensity, of course) but I've always hated whipping. The whip is difficult to control and can easily have a cutting effect. The exception would be a "flogger" of very soft leather which could be appropriate for sensual scenes. So how did this come about? Basically, as the market became more sophisticated and as genuine spanko practitioners such as Eve Howard and Michael Masterson started producing spanking videos, certain varieties of spanking were bound to emerge. Eve for instance was a devotee of the OTK position but had no trouble incorporating sex into Shadow Lane's videos as time went on, while Masterson was affected by school paddling in his own life (refer to my article on The Whys of Spanking that discusses secondary Transformative Events). Masterson also found that his wooden paddling videos sold extremely well, and did some caning ones as well. In short, there was a market for this thing, and except for excessive whipping, I don't have a problem with it. As for sexual acts, I'll address them below in #3. But the growing sophistication and specialization of producers from say 1990-2000 is something to bear in mind.
  2. F/F scenes - This has come up before, and has two basic causes: (1) Lesbian spankos certainly do exist, and in considerable numbers. They would certainly prefer F/F spanking scenes. (2) Strangely, many men like seeing F/F scenes and many artists actually prefer drawing them. I have never found the complete answer for this, but suspect latent voyeurism may be the cause. For myself, I prefer to be in on the action, and can only identify vicariously with a male figure.
  3. Overt sexual acts - As I mentioned above, Eve Howard had no problem incorporating sexual acts into some of Shadow Lane's videos, which were highly influential during the 1990's and into the 2000's because they had a strong appeal to female spankos. There are some spankos of both sexes who find it difficult to separate sex from spanking, but they are a distinct minority as far as actual playing (i.e. it was rare at a party for new partners to engage in sex after a spanking session, although it did of course happen). I think they are also a minority as far as spanking fantasies go. And yet, there they are. Another factor may be simply that spanking+sex will sell to some people who want straight porn but don't care about spanking. The straight sex market is many times larger than the adult spanking market.
  4. Violent misogynistic porn - Unfortunately, these people are out there and at the risk of being "judgmental," I must say I find their stuff reprehensible. Even the milder end of this type of material is pretty harsh, with women being rather badly bruised by the cane, say, or other things being done to them I'd rather not think about. I've occasionally run into this kind of stuff even in drawn form while searching for comic-related spankings, and I really hate it. But again, because there's a market for it out there, it was bound to appear. I think we had something like it even back in the 80's, but I don't remember it too well since of course I would only have seen it while trying to view pure spanking stuff.

And that's my analysis. :geek:
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Re: The truth about "spanking"

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

i understand your feelings in this matter. i too love OTK hand spankings best because that's what i started out doing. when i first got on the internet and started looking for spanking related items, it didn't take me long to find out that i much preferred drawings to photographs. the problem i had was that i had to go through dozens of drawings i really didn't care much for in order to find one that was OTK and to my liking. that's one of the reasons i started doing my own with i could do drawings, and stories, that i like. i have branched out from strictly hand spanking and now include some small, light paddles or hairbrushes but if you notice, most my toons include some hand spanking :D . sometimes if you want things done a certain way, you just have to do them yourself ;) . phil
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Re: The truth about "spanking"

Post by jimc »

excellent point Dan. When I became interested in spanking it was how you described it otk, hand spanking with an occasional slipper or hairbrush. None of this bruising; far out implements; sex; etc. I loved all otk spanking to females by either sex as web-ed and phil stated that was what was out there. I miss the old days of spanking as well and many of the retro sites seem to have vanished. I too find that I have to look further to find what I enjoy all the while being exposed to the other stuff that I do not consider spanking or worth more than a cursory look at most. I am an otk fan first and foremost and am more apt to comment on what I like more than what I have no control over. I would imagine that is why most of us are at CSR as web-ed does a great job and the resident artists also seem to favor otk the most and we are drawn to what we like best. I do wish that there was someway to block those pictures or stories that do not appeal to us and just find art, photos stories that are we want to see. While I am generally opposed to censorship I do wish that we could enjoy what we want and block the other stuff even if it is individual preference. Have a great day
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Re: The truth about "spanking"

Post by hugob00m »

I think there is a difference between those of us who enjoy a mild-to-moderate spanking and outright sadists. I like to see a pretty girl turned over her man's knee to gt her plump, round bottom reddened, but I don't like to see her bruised and bleeding. I don't like whips, and I'm not really into canes or switches that much either.

I guess one advantage of being a "resident artist" is that I draw my O.T. Katie comics the way I like to see them. :D :D :D :D

Should some of the more severe and brutal punishments be lumped together with spankings? I don't think so. I would like to see some differentiation.
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Re: The truth about "spanking"

Post by jesseray »

Sorry to be MIA more times then not.....

Before I started producing spanking videos, I had lengthy conversations with most all the prominent providers out there (at the time)... Nu West, Cal Star, Kurt Stevens, CF Pubs...... And interestingly, individually most of them thought they were the only ones producing products that the spankophiles were looking for....while the others were clearly somehow off base. What I quickly realized, was that they were producing products that they THEMSELVES were most interested in and simply presumed everyone else was as well... So I suspect that is what has transpired over the years... The internet makes it quite simple to get your product out there....and there is a large spectrum of interest. I have no doubt that there are more 'traditional' spank producers out there than ever- but a small fraction of ALL the producers out there.

Before I made my first video, I sent out a 4 page survey (some multiple choice some fill in the blanks) to a few hundred spankophiles.....I of course (like the rest of the dumb heads) expected the vast majority to select all of the criteria I personally enjoyed..... Well instead of getting the bell shaped curve I anticipated.....I go something resembling a straight line.....I don't think any two people felt exactly the same.... the spectrum ran from black to white...... We are a diverse group.....

It's important to realize that for many interests, spanking is NOT the focus it is but a tool, so you gotta read the small print before you hit the play button.

Believe it or not.........many folks speed through the build up to the spanking, and simply watch the I suspect they stop- rewind the tape/disc/ before any sex they could care less that it is included.

My attention usually is on the spankee, and her NEED for the spanking, so an F/F video is no less pleasing than an M/F one- as long as all my hot buttons have been answered.
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Re: The truth about "spanking"

Post by web-ed »

Welcome back, Ray! Although I know that you were the man behind the old ACES bulletin board system I didn't know you had also produced spanking videos! What was (is) the name of your production company?
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Re: The truth about "spanking"

Post by jesseray »

My production company was Sudden Impact Video.
Only got out a few videos in our two years or so
'Taking care of Business' (M/F)
"Light, Camera's Spanking' (M/F)
"Paybacks are a bitch' (F/F)

'No Nonsense ladies' (F/M)
'Women who dominate' (F/M)

And I have a couple more (M/F) that I never edited...maybe sometime.
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Re: The truth about "spanking"

Post by daneldorado »

Just a minute ago, jesseray was describing some of his video titles. If anyone is interested, I'd like to offer my opinion of his BEST video. It's "Taking Care of Business."

These days I rarely reach for a VHS tape to play, but I still have many tapes in my files... and some of them are jesseray's products. Alas, nowadays we are probably "trapped" into DVD discs or Blu-Rays, so we don't roll tape very often. But if a truly special video were to come along, only on VHS, I know that I would activate the old tape player again, and enjoy some of those late-20th-century gems again.

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Re: The truth about "spanking"

Post by jesseray »

Hey Dan!

Heck I'd be interested in your review of 'TCB'.
Wow! it must be coming up to it's 25th anniversary! Gee.

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Re: The truth about "spanking"

Post by jimc »

yes, it would be exciting to see some of the old spanking films. I am an otk fan and that is my main interest. I enjoyed the ACES pictures that I saw and wish there was a way to see them again as well. I have to admit my exposure was rather limited as most of the spanking magazines I found were only at 1 store and I did have to be careful as I did not want others to know my passion (although I dearly wanted to tell someone else about it.) I also thought at the time because there was such limited variety that there were not that many producers of spanking fare out there and did not find out about many of them until just recently when a lot of the retro sites started showing some works from the past. Have a great day.
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Post by web-ed »

I can't re-present most of the things we've been discussing here, Jim, like Ray's "Taking Care of Business," but I can and will with the ACES art! I've pretty much compiled all the evidence I need as to the identity of the ACES artist, and when I have the preparation time (which will be considerable) and am not in the middle of doing another series (like the recent Humorama Series or the current Super-Spanking Summer), I will indeed show all the ACES art again.
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Re: The truth about "spanking"

Post by sunflower309 »

hi everybody!!

i too have been MIA myself and just now have a few minutes to catch up (i hope to catch up on Katie too!) as a spankee i can say i would never let anyone beat me to bruise me or make me bleed. i do love OTK myself. i'm not adverse to a paddle or hairbrush either, as long as the man wielding it knows what he's doing. i also don't mind bending over something occasionally for a paddling either.

it's been my good fortune to have my last 2 spankers be very experienced. the spankings hurt, but aren't painful, if that makes sense. i love a sore bottom for a little while after. no whips for me either! and i share web-eds preference for a bare bottom also. especially the anticipation leading up to it! sometimes that is the best part!

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Re: The truth about "spanking"

Post by web-ed »

Glad to hear from you as always, Sunflower :D ! And do be sure to catch up with our Resident Artists, and then the main site - there are still probably things out there you haven't seen yet.
-- Web-Ed
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