The Humor of Joe Gravel

Spankings involving superheroes and superheroines, non-superhero comic-book stuff, comic strips, jungle girls, Lara Croft, Vampirella, Elvira, etc. Chross' board already has an excellent thread on this, but we love this subject so much we figure it deserves its own forum here anyway.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
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The Humor of Joe Gravel

Post by web-ed »

I've discovered some more of Joe Gravel's work recently, some spanking and some non-spanking. I wanted to post some of the non-spanking stuff here now - for one thing, we're winding up the Batman Family and Wonder Girl series this week, and this gives us a chance to chuckle at the sight of a bare-bottomed Batgirl and explain again about Wonder Girl's costumes (sort of). Here we go:

1. Batgirl has gone up against the Riddler and narrowly escaped his flying buzzsaw - or so she thinks. Actually, the buzzsaw has removed the seat of her costume, which is exactly the kind of device I'd use if I were a super-villain. :lol:
The wonderful thing here is that it looks like the Riddler is in position to take Batgirl across his knee, and the subsequent spanking would be more effective than Batgirl expected given her bare-bottomed condition! :)

2. Next we have the second Wonder Girl, Donna Troy, wearing her second costume. Her Teen Titans teammate Beast Boy (Gar Logan, a/k/a Changeling) has changed himself into a squirrel so he can get a better view from the bathroom window as she undresses to take a shower. But because he remains green in all his animal forms, she has no trouble recognizing him.

3. Here's another scene with the Teen Titans featuring Donna's first costume (more or less: Gravel couldn't resist showing some cleavage and shortening her shorts). The good thing about this one is that Donna's failure to respond quickly to the emergency of an attack by the evil Dr. Light is surely grounds for team leader Robin to give her a spanking later on :lol: !
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i got a chuckle from the flying buzz saw drawing :D . i'm betting her expression won't be quite so smug once she discovers that her bare bottom is hanging out :lol: . i also liked the green squirrel in the Beast Boy drawing. you have to's a good idea :lol: . the squirrel reminds me of some of the animals Dave Wolfe uses in his Wolfietoons. one of his viewers wrote and told him how much she liked one of the animal character he had drawn (i don't remember which one it was now) but her comment was something like, "i loved the scruffy looking cat". anyway, ever since then Dave had kind of lumped all his animal characters under the title of "scruffies"...........and i think this one would qualify for that too :lol: . in any case, that's a suitably evil smile on the squirrel's face :D . in the Robin WG drawing...............update my facebook status...........HUMFPT! i'd love to blister her bottom..............for more than one obvious reason 8-) . thanks for posting these. phil
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

Post by web-ed »

Since I posted a Joe Gravel spanking cartoon in this week's updates, it seems fitting to do four more of his non-spanking cartoons that nevertheless feature some superheroine's fanny :!:

1. The Wasp can't resist using her sting on the Scarlet Witch's behind. I know how she feels, although I'd have selected a paddle myself.

2. This one's a little confusing, but it appears that Supergirl sneezed and her heat vision burned off the seat of Batgirl's costume, leaving her bare-bottomed once again. (See my post above for the Gravel cartoon where the Riddler used a buzzsaw to achieve the same effect.)

3. Beast Boy disguises himself as Krypto when he pulls Supergirl's shorts down, but his green color gives him away. (Note: Beast Boy can assume any animal form, but its color is always green like his skin.)

4. This one's really strange: the guy in the background in the villain Despero, who goes all the way back to Justice League of America #1 (Oct. 1960). From the color of the arrow, I'd say an offstage Green Arrow has badly missed his shot, which wound up poking a female version of the Flash in her behind! But instead of this trans-gender stuff, which was also a staple of Adam Walters, why not simply have Black Canary or even more obviously Wonder Woman on the receiving end since they were both Justice Leaguers :?: And why is this female-Flash running into battle stark naked?
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

from these pics, i'd say that Joe Gravel likes big breasts and especially nipples :lol: . even at that, he does draw some nice, spankable bottoms :D . i particularly like the one of Batgirl with the seat of her pants sneezed out :lol: and the one with beast boy as a dog pulling down Supergirl's shorts.........reminds me of the old Coppertone billboards, only better :D . thanks for sharing these with us. i enjoyed them. phil
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

Post by web-ed »

Here's some more we better do while Super-Spanking Summer 4 is still going on and superheroines are on everyone's minds.

1. Jimmy Olsen with X-Ray Specs: hey, I didn't know those things worked! But in the silly Mort Weisenger era, Superman's friends were constantly gaining super-powers, and Olsen was young enough to want to use X-ray vision for other than medical purposes. Here, he examines Lois Lane. The way she's bending over this would be a great time for some paddling.

2. One of DC's more interesting titles during the '60's was The Doom Patrol. Mento was never actually a member, but he romanced and eventually married Elasti-Girl. His helmet gave him the power of psycho-kinesis, which allowed him to move solid object, like, um, we see here:

3. Captain Marvel's arch-enemy was Dr. Sivana, although we're not sure he was actually licensed to practice medicine. Mary Marvel may be wondering about that also, as he prepares to give her a shot in the portion of her anatomy that has been bared for the occasion :) :

4. Finally, we see the Wasp asking "To sting or not to sting, that is the question." The tempting target in this picture probably belongs to The Scarlet Witch, whom we saw in the previous set of Joe Gravel drawings. We'd have to say "Sting!" but better still would be a good spanking, which also stings :lol: .
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

again, Gravel has presented us with some nicely rounded and spankable female bottoms :D . too bad he doesn't present these in a spanking situation. Jimmy Olsen is, of course, using the X-ray specs for the proper purpose and those were always my thoughts when reading Superman comic books even though that kind of stuff never happened in them :lol: .to sting or not to sting indeed..........what a question :lol: any of our members armed with a hairbrush could answer it easily :D . thanks for sharing these. phil
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

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HI WEB ED !! The X ray spec joke is funny :lol: kinda remind me of when I was young and wanting to order those x ray glasses from the back of the comic book :lol: :twisted:
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

Post by willjohn »

Along with the rubber Phantom ring?
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

Post by web-ed »

willjohn wrote:Along with the rubber Phantom ring?
I wish I remembered the rubber Phantom ring. I did have a Bazooka Joe decoder ring for a little while in the late 60's.
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

Post by willjohn »

In the 1950s the Phantom comics in Australia advertised Phantom ring that could be bought by filling in an order form on the back page of the comics. Most were metal & cheap gemstones but there was a rubber one that left the skull imprint on anybody or anything that came in contact with it.
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

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The rubber one would have been cool. It would have left a nice skull imprint on the Scarlet Witch's fanny (above), for one thing...
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

Post by willjohn »

A new definition of head up the ass?
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Wonder Woman and Black Canary Search for Plastic Man

Post by web-ed »

I'm doing several things featuring Black Canary this week, so this would see to be an appropriate time to present a Joe Gravel cartoon featuring BC. It seems that Wonder Woman is searching for Plastic Man, but he's closer than she thinks, as BC realizes:

No "wonder" Plas is smiling! :D Art by Joe Gravel (unsigned). Characters © DC Comics Inc
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

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Plas should have got WW in some kind of kinky submission hold turning his hand into a paddle spanking her :!: anyway nice gag :lol:
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

Post by hugob00m »

Not a spanking... but... WOW! What a perfect set-up!
supergirl.jpg (236.72 KiB) Viewed 11601 times
I picture Cousin Clark finding out about that little slip of the tongue, and it's easy to imagine what his reaction might be! :lol: :lol: :oops: :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

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Supergirl is in for a good spanking nice find
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

Post by willjohn »

She may wish she had more cover than that micro skirt.
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Re: The Humor of Joe Gravel

Post by web-ed »

Oh yeah, the set-up is perfect for the Superman/Supergirl spanking that should have taken place in the comics but never did (The "Holy Grail" as I once referred to it, having searched all of Supergirl's Silver Age appearances looking for it).

Good find, B00m! I know I have some more of Gravel's stuff in the files, but I don't remember the details off-hand - I think Doctor Cylon may have contributed some of them - nor can I say when I'll finally get around to posting them.
-- Web-Ed
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