1. Batgirl has gone up against the Riddler and narrowly escaped his flying buzzsaw - or so she thinks. Actually, the buzzsaw has removed the seat of her costume, which is exactly the kind of device I'd use if I were a super-villain.

The wonderful thing here is that it looks like the Riddler is in position to take Batgirl across his knee, and the subsequent spanking would be more effective than Batgirl expected given her bare-bottomed condition!

2. Next we have the second Wonder Girl, Donna Troy, wearing her second costume. Her Teen Titans teammate Beast Boy (Gar Logan, a/k/a Changeling) has changed himself into a squirrel so he can get a better view from the bathroom window as she undresses to take a shower. But because he remains green in all his animal forms, she has no trouble recognizing him.

3. Here's another scene with the Teen Titans featuring Donna's first costume (more or less: Gravel couldn't resist showing some cleavage and shortening her shorts). The good thing about this one is that Donna's failure to respond quickly to the emergency of an attack by the evil Dr. Light is surely grounds for team leader Robin to give her a spanking later on