50 shades

Spankings from Stage (not Movies or TV) and Prose
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50 shades

Post by samantha »

I am surprised no one has mentioned this yet given its extreme popularity, and I know that 50 Shades is by no means the first book to have spanking in it. Though, it seems like CSR seems to weigh heavily on the male side, if not in readers, at least in posters and 50 is definitely a woman's set of books.
If you haven't read them, which I assume most men have not, the books themselves are pretty awful writing. The main character, Christian, is supposed to be this uber-dominant and he ends up being kind of needy and whiny, albeit for good reasons--he has typical PTSD reactions throughout the story. Ana, his co-lead, is supposed to be brand new to bdsm, and she ends up seeming much stronger than he is. Plus, the author includes stuff like where Christian makes Ana "finish" simply by playing with her boobs and quite honestly, if that is even humanly possible which I doubt, I don't want to know because I'd be so jealous.
The characters always seem to be having sex, always as in several times a day....really? Are they never tired? Anyways, there are a few decent spanking scenes in there and those I did like. (he spanks her for rolling her eyes at him....if only it were that easy I'd be rolling my eyes ALL the time!) The one where he has her undressed and bent over his pool table was exciting. One other was way too extreme for me personally. But Christian's bossiness, and his insistence on having Ana every which way is pretty fun. And if one can just take it as harmless fun, it is nice to kind of lose yourself in it.
I want to sell my series back at Half Price Books but I think I'd die of shame handing those over to the cashier and admitting to any person in real life that I own them.
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Re: 50 shades

Post by web-ed »

Of course this is the hot topic in many circles today, but basically you're right about why no one here has brought it up before: we've got a lot of men around here, and "50" just won't appeal to most of us. In fact, men don't read much spanking fiction of any kind, preferring to look at pictures. I've actually read a little spanking fiction that was o.k., and I've enjoyed every bit of spanking fiction that I've published on CSR, yet I still won't take too much time to seek out and read more of it because my time is just too short!

It's no secret that women are more verbally-oriented than men, typically. Male Tops need to know this, if for no other reason than to understand how powerful the right "spanking words" can be under certain circumstances. Many women have waited for years to hear a man say something like, "You've been a very bad girl, and now you're going to get spanked!" in a firm tone of voice. I think some of them would pay money to hear such things :lol: ! Brats and penitents secretly love a good pre-spanking lecture - it means a lot to them.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: 50 shades

Post by daneldorado »

No, I have not read the E L James book "Fifty Shades of Grey" and I don't plan to. But I do like movies, so I did get around to watching the film based on that story. Since this is a spanking forum, it doesn't seem embarrassing to admit that my main interest in that film is that I heard it contained a spanking scene.

And Voila! Or rather, semi voila.... Yes, we do get to see the male lead, Christian Grey, put his lover Anastasia (played by the excellent Dakota Johnson) over his knee and begin to spank her darling derierre. But then... WHAT? After he brings his right hand down sharply onto her bottom, the rest of the "spanking" is OFF FRICKIN' SCREEN!!! No, no, that's no way to treat the audience. If you don't want to show us a female getting spanked, then don't show us the set-up and the first swat and then deny us the rest! Ugh. :evil:

Now then. Samantha, since you seem to be a fan of the E L James series, can you tell me if there is any VISIBLE spanking(s) in the sequel movie, "Fifty Shades Darker?" That seems to be out now, but I won't go near it if you tell me we will not see any actual spanking CONTACT in it.

One last thing. I am hoping against hope here, primarily because Dakota Johnson seems to be an actress who doesn't mind being spanked on screen. In her 2016 movie "How to be Single" she receives multiple smacks on her ass from actress Leslie Mann, who plays her sister in that film.

So... a star is born?? Or not?

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Re: 50 shades

Post by web-ed »

Alas, Dan, Samantha isn't a member of this board any longer. (You can tell that, by the way, because her name is now in black whereas yours is in blue and mine is in red (to signify that I'm the Big Kahuna around here or that I just love red bottoms - I forget which :lol: ), and our names are hyperlinked so people can contact us and hers is not. (How do you know if text is hyperlinked? Depending on your browser, it may show up as blue and/or underlined, and your mouse pointer will change into a hand when you run it over the text.)

She didn't really want to leave us whenever it was - maybe 4 or 5 years ago? - but without going into details, let's just say circumstances sort of forced her to go. Maybe she'll be back some day.

Anyway, she can't answer your question and I can't either. Is there anyone out there who can?
-- Web-Ed
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