Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Spanking cartoons in the Humorama Digests and other men's magazines.
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Re: More New (?) Toons to Ponder

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

my favorite it the one with the gag about the hiccups. i love the spankee's position in this one with her bottom high up and her feet dangling :D they are all good ones though. thanks for posting these. phil
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Re: More New (?) Toons to Ponder

Post by web-ed »

Thanks for posting these, Dan. Only one of them has appeared on CSR to this point: the Stiles "Fatherly Interest" spanking which I posted a couple of months ago, in a photostatic copy that is not as good as this scan. As to the others, the Wenzel "hiccup cure spanking" is new to me and will be added to the Humorama tote board (and to the series, of course), the Wenzel "trumped ace spanking" was one I discovered myself only a couple of weeks ago in one of the old digests, and the DeCarlo in several versions has been in my files for some time (now with one more version).
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Re: Humorama Spanking Cartoons

Post by web-ed »

b00m, you did a fine job cleaning this one up! I'll be sure to add your version to the original page.

I've never seen a better version of this one, either - I think it must be very rare. But I'm still acquiring a few old Humorama digests every now and then, so maybe it will turn up in one of them.
-- Web-Ed

Lost Kirk?

Post by daneldorado »

I found a cartoon by Kirk Stiles that I don't think I've seen posted here before. Have you seen this?


While we're at it, WHERE is the lady's right arm?

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Re: Lost Kirk?

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi Dan,

i don't remember seeing this one before. thanks for posting it :D . i like the gag. it seems our spankee was figuring on getting a spanking but thought it was to hard for the crime :lol: it looks to me like the spanker seems really happy about the whole thing :lol: . i have no idea about the right arm. thanks, phil
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Re: Lost Kirk?

Post by willjohn »

She may have hold of his old feller with it.
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Re: Lost Kirk?

Post by web-ed »

Yes, I have Mike's copy that he obtained from a Humorama digest in the 60's. I scanned it a year ago but haven't gotten around to Stiles yet in the Humorama series. I will probably start a Stiles mini-series next week after my last Wenzel cartoon gets posted this week. At this point I have more Stiles in the Files than any other of the Humorama "Big Five", and CSR's readers can expect to see a few they haven't before.

This version is slightly different from mine, and may have been a copy made from the original appearance which I haven't identified yet. The gag is good enough. Dan is certainly "right" about her right arm, but also take a look at her waist! Stiles was capable of lovely work - at this best, I think his girls are the most beautiful of those drawn by any of the Big Five - but his inconsistency is maddening! Even the right side of her bottom looks too thin, as if it doesn't match the left side. I think haste is the culprit with Stiles - when something didn't look right, he didn't take the time to erase it and start over. By the way, the tiny feet are a recurring characteristic I wouldn't call a flaw - more like a stylistic variation.
-- Web-Ed

A lost Wenzel?

Post by daneldorado »

Okay, now here is a drawing by Bill Wenzel that I have dubbed, probably incorrectly, "a lost Wenzel." Surely it is not truly "lost," especially to Web-ed and those few other serious collectors of this type of toon. Also, my copy has no captions. But the scene is such that anyone can make up their own captions, though I have not tried.


My main interest in this cartoon is that it is, to my eyes, extremely sexy. The girl being spanked is full-breasted, she is arching her back so that her bottom sits high over the man's lap, and I really like that her skirt is elevated so that it reveals her curvaceous thighs but does not quite reveal her panties. Mmm, my dream girl.

I'd love to hear what you other guys think about this one. Don't think it's been posted here yet... or has it?

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Re: A lost Wenzel?

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote: My main interest in this cartoon is that it is, to my eyes, extremely sexy. The girl being spanked is full-breasted, she is arching her back so that her bottom sits high over the man's lap, and I really like that her skirt is elevated so that it reveals her curvaceous thighs but does not quite reveal her panties. Mmm, my dream girl.
hi Dan,

i too like this pic for quite a few reasons, some of which you have already mentioned. i also enjoy the view of the expanse of flesh above her hose ;) and the way her dress is raised although i would have preferred it if he had raised it a bit more to show her panties. another thing that makes this pic so horny is the expressions. whatever she did, it obviously pissed off our spanker and he seems intent on making sure it doesn't happen again. without a caption i would have to say that this is a non consensual spanking. from the position of her legs and her expression i would say that he has probably just landed the first swat, a good, hard one. her legs are up as if they shot up there as the sting from that swat sunk in. the stiff position of her arms goes along with this too. the surprised and very worried look on her face makes me think that she knows that this is just the beginning and that he is going to blister her bottom good before he lets her up. just the kind of spanking i like best :D . i'm betting that if Wenzel had done a second pic a minute or 2 later we would have seen our naughty spankee kicking and squalling :D it's probably just a coincidence but the wrinkles on the pocket seem to make a scowling face with the eyes looking at the spankee :lol:
daneldorado wrote:I'd love to hear what you other guys think about this one. Don't think it's been posted here yet... or has it?
i'm no expert on these toons but i don't remember seeing this one before. i agree with your comment about the scene being one where someone could easily make up a caption for it. i didn't exactly do that but the drawing did bring things to my mind which i have discussed above. it's hard to say but the lack of a caption on this one might actually be a good thing. i would, however, like to see the original caption. good find Dan. thanks for posting it. phil

New (?) b&w toons

Post by daneldorado »

Here is an old xerox copy of a toon from an artist I'm not familiar with. (Carpelli?) I might have been able to "clean up" some of the shadows invariably left on a drawing by the old xerox machines, but I'm not sure this drawing is worth the effort. Still, it's cute, although the scenario is very unlikely. Nice to look at, though.


Now, THIS is more like it! Again, I am not familiar with this guy's work (Quentin Miller?), but I very much like the OTK positioning and especially the caption.


I raised three children -- two boys, one girl -- and although they were born in a recent decade, after all the "politically correct" B.S. was in effect, I found that I still had to spank them when they were naughty and not receptive to milder forms of persuasion. Thank God, my children all turned out okay... and I suspect that the spankings they got as children had something to do with the directions they took in life.

The lady in the picture is not a child, but we all know that even women in their 20s and 30s are sometimes in need of corrective measures. The guy in the toon has the right idea, I think. Put away the psychology books, and put the miscreant OTK!

I wonder what you guys will have to say about these? Maybe you've seen them before, maybe not. Lemme know.

Last edited by daneldorado on Wed Jan 04, 2012 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A lost Wenzel?

Post by web-ed »

A most interesting find, Dan. I haven't seen it before, and in fact it may not be from Humorama at all. I have in my files one Wenzel spanking cartoon from a magazine called Pepper (of course we'll see it in the Humor Gallery once the Humorama Series concludes later this year), and Wenzel does seem to have been the big man with ANC's humor digest line based on the few books of theirs I have in my collection. It could have come from ANC, or it could have been even later - Ward and Wenzel remained actively producing men's humor cartoons after the other members of the "Big Five" retired from cartooning (as I believe Stiles and Homer did) or moved on to other things (after his Humorama days, DeCarlo concentrated solely on the Archie titles until they let him go).

The signature is interesting also: "W.W." Wenzel had several known signatures, but this is the first time I've seen this one. Logically, it should be either earlier than the ones I'm familiar with starting around 1955, or else later than his Humorama work, perhaps from Sex to Sexty. I'll hazard a guess that this is early work, but it will probably be a long time before we find out for sure.

As to the cartoon's merits, I certainly agree with Dan and Phil - this is a sexy one, and the spanker seems very determined. The spankee already looks dismayed, and since I think she's only gotten at most one swat up to this point, she's shortly going to look even more worried as the sting begins to set in! This is a welcome addition to this forum, and I'll have to add it to the Humor Gallery eventually.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: New (?) b&w toons

Post by web-ed »

Thanks for sharing these additional finds with us, Dan! The first one I'd never seen before, but as it involves a paddle and the bending-over position, I love it :D (Even though she should have been bending further over). It is apparently done by the same artist who did Humorama Series #3, otherwise known as Secretary Spanking #13. On that page, because the art was unsigned, I speculated that it might be Jack O'Brien. I still think it might be, although I don't know why O'Brien would have felt it necessary to use the pseudonym "Carpelli" unless it was because Harvey Comics, where he did a lot of work, was a very conservative publishing house. I feel this is unlikely because O'Brien signed other work, including two spanking cartoons, with his own name! (See Humorama Series #4 and #5).

One thing's for sure: if Carpelli is not O'Brien, he owes everything to him.
02/05/2013 update: I later found that "Carpelli" was really Henry Scarpelli - for the details, follow the link above to Secretary Spanking #13.

The second work is indeed by Quentin Miller, who occasionally contributed to Humorama. I already had two copies of this in my files, to which I have added Dan's. They will be posted as part of the Humorama Series later this year. As of this time, I have no detailed publication information, but it was definitely reprinted by Humorama some time during the 1960's.

Beyond question, young women in their 20's and 30's still require moral guidance, and it's our task to see that they get it in the form of spankings! Miller did indeed have the right idea in his cartoon, and throwing away the psychology book, or even using it as a paddle, is a spanking theme that crops up now and again. At the very least, we'll be seeing one by Kirk Stiles along these lines.
Last edited by web-ed on Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Change link name and add updated info on Scarpelli.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: A lost Wenzel?

Post by hugob00m »

web-ed wrote:The signature is interesting also: "W.W." Wenzel had several known signatures, but this is the first time I've seen this one. Logically, it should be either earlier than the ones I'm familiar with starting around 1955, or else later than his Humorama work, perhaps from Sex to Sexty. I'll hazard a guess that this is early work, but it will probably be a long time before we find out for sure.
Comparing this one to last week's update, which featured the earliest known Wenzel "spanker", I would tend to agree that this must also be one of his early works. What I'm looking at is the lack of an ink wash. Instead of using watered-down ink applied with a brush to do his shading, he did the whole drawing with the pen and did his shading with hatch lines. The "Junior" cartoon was drawn this way too.
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Re: A lost Wenzel?

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote: Comparing this one to last week's update, which featured the earliest known Wenzel "spanker", I would tend to agree that this must also be one of his early works. What I'm looking at is the lack of an ink wash. Instead of using watered-down ink applied with a brush to do his shading, he did the whole drawing with the pen and did his shading with hatch lines. The "Junior" cartoon was drawn this way too.
Good observation - both Wenzel and Kirk Stiles appear to have adopted the ink wash after their early periods, although I'm less certain about Stiles since I don't have any of his work from the 1930's, which was before Wenzel even became active in the field.
-- Web-Ed

Some more b&w oldies

Post by daneldorado »

Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't remember seeing these two cartoons posted here before. Anyway, give 'em a look and let me know what you think.

This first one, by Homer, continues his style of showing the spankee sort of enjoying her spanking. I think it's a pretty good gag, too.


The second one has, I think, an even better gag... and it's by Dan DeCarlo.

The girl being spanked looks an awful lot like DeCarlo's "Betty," from the "Archie" comics.


Let me know what you think of these, okay? If you don't, I cannot know if I should post any more ;)

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Re: Some more b&w oldies

Post by Tanner »

Both good ones. Love the period undies in the Homer one. The second one has been around, in various configurations. Believe it is here. However, the hillbilly girl is believed to be inspired by Daisy Mae of the L'il Abner comic strip(which had its spankings), and not Betty from the Archie comics.
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Re: Some more b&w oldies

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote: This first one, by Homer, continues his style of showing the spankee sort of enjoying her spanking. I think it's a pretty good gag, too.
hi Dan,

i was thinking that i had seen this one recently, or at least one with the same gag so i checked the humor gallery. what i found was one titled "secretary spanking #21, also by Homer, that had a Morse code gag that was slightly different. on that page, web-ed had a link to "secretary spanking #9" which appears to be the one you posted here. web-ed also has a pic of Mary Tyler Moore for comparison which i found amusing because i was already thinking that the spankee in this one kinda looks like her :lol: . of course, i always wanted to see Mary Tyler Moore getting a spanking if for no other reason than she was good looking :D .
daneldorado wrote:The second one has, I think, an even better gag... and it's by Dan DeCarlo.
i like the panties made from a flour sack in this one :lol: good reason for a spanking too. i know i'd be mad if i had bought a new shotgun for the wedding :lol: . thanks for posting these. phil
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Re: Homer Morse Code and DeCarlo Shotgun Wedding

Post by web-ed »

Phil spotted the Homer "Morse Code" one. By an extremely odd coincidence, just this past week I finally located its presumed second printing, in the January 1964 issue of Romp. We'll be seeing that version in due course when I add it to the Secretary Spanking #9 page Phil mentioned.

As to the DeCarlo hillbilly "new shotgun," this is the second one he did on the hillbilly theme (the first one being based on Li'l Abner). This one had not appeared here before although I believe JimC recalled it in a post. I've actually had it in my files for some time but hadn't gotten around to posting it yet because I decided to do ten of Kirk Stiles' and hold off on my DeCarlo stock until they were done. Your version may be cleaner, however, so thanks for posting it, Dan. I may add it to mine when I create the page for it.
-- Web-Ed

Re: Some more b&w oldies

Post by daneldorado »

Hiiya Web-ed:

Right you are! The "Morse code" gag was already in your files, as "Secretary Spanking #9." If you will permit me to say so, I think my copy is a generation (or two) closer to the original than the one in your "Humor Page" files. If your January 1964 pic is better yet, of course it should be re-published here.

By the way, thanks for the rapid responses to this posting. That's what I like to see: Teamwork!


Oldies but Goodies

Post by daneldorado »

I've been digging deeper into my trove of spanking toons, and I found these two. I don't remember seeing either of them posted here before. I may be wrong, but take a look. The first is a rarity from Kirk Stiles.


The second cartoon, by a person who signs as "Bo Brown," is one of the more audacious toons I have ever seen. Maybe some of you are familiar with it, but I cannot remember seeing it here before.


Remember, these toons are being posted for your consideration. Comments are expected and appreciated.

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