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Latest Wonder Woman is great!

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 10:27 am
by Tanner
Really like the 2/12 update of a Wonder Woman spanking. Love the thought of her getting spanked in that g-string bottom outfit. How about another- with her getting the paddle with holes used on her while wearing it?
Know some don't like thongs-prefer panties that have to be lowered- but to me thongs, whether panties or bathing suits, go with spanking like butter goes with bread!

Re: Latest Wonder Woman is great!

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:50 pm
by web-ed
Thanks, Tanner - glad you like it! Although I'm among those who don't care for thongs, I have to admit WW did look pretty good wearing that one as drawn by Fabio and colored by Doctor Cylon. Alas, I don't have one with her wearing it while she gets the paddle with holes, although I do have one where she takes that paddle over her regular star-spangled panties! That one's still scheduled to be posted on 02/26, although I may have to shuffle things around a bit since I have one more of WW than I realized. The net result may be to extend the WW series from 12 to 16. Anyway, I'll certainly keep my eye out for anything along the lines you suggested.

Re: Latest Wonder Woman is great!

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 1:22 pm
by Tanner
You have done it again! Yet another great Wonder Woman spanking, this time by Hawkgirl.
Nice to see getting it in her more updated costume. Love the way the red skin peeks our below her shorts and the way it looks like a swollen bottom is pushing against the tight seat of them. Too bad couldnt be a whole strip, showing the lead-up to the paddling, the paddling itself, and then Wonder Woman seen with an agonized expression on her face as she deals with the pain and discomfort of a well-paddled, blistered butt!

Re: Latest Wonder Woman is great!

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2010 6:41 am
by web-ed
Glad you liked it. Yes, it would be wonderful to have a whole strip, but most artists simply draw one panel. Usually, the time is set just before or a little after the swat is applied. It would be nice to see a "moment of impact", or "one second after impact" one, in which we would get to see the agonized expression on Wonder Woman's face as she "deals with the pain and discomfort of a well-paddled, blistered butt!" (Well put!)

I am going to reprint Dan N.'s "Captain Woodshed" strip one of these days, which did indeed feature a whole sequence of spanking panels.

Re: Latest Wonder Woman is great!

Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:39 pm
by Tanner
3/05 and yet another cool Wonder Woman spanking. Getting spanked in the nude this time. Hope there will be more of her getting the seat of her birthday suit soundly spanked,paddled, or switched.

Re: Latest Wonder Woman is great!

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 11:22 pm
by web-ed
Tanner wrote:3/05 and yet another cool Wonder Woman spanking. Getting spanked in the nude this time. Hope there will be more of her getting the seat of her birthday suit soundly spanked,paddled, or switched.
Glad you like it. I've got three more with Wonder Woman planned for next week as I wind up this series: 1 paddling animation, which goes back a few years, and two not-so-commonly-seen ones by Andy Price. If you haven't seen these three before, you're in for a treat!

Re: Latest Wonder Woman is great!

Posted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:27 am
by Tanner
What a great finish for the WW series! Wonder Woman getting spanked in a thong by her mother(thats probably why she spanked her), postspanking shot of a hairbrushed Wonder Girl. And best of all, the animated barebutt paddling! Wonder Woman would be flying her invisible plane standing up at the controls after that.
Would love to see Xena getting paddled like that. In fact, there were some Xena comics so it would fit in here.

Re: Latest Wonder Woman is great!

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 8:19 am
by Tanner
Replying to the point you raised about Wonder Woman/Diana Prince's panties and her secret identity,I would assume that Diana wore regular panties and when she transformed to WW she wore the star-spangled ones. Anyhow never thought of her costume as underwear, after all she wore it as outerwear.(Hmm ,does she wear anything under those little shorts I wonder?)
Her transformation by spinning around is not like that of Clark Kent who has her Superman outfit on under his regular clothes when he goes into the phone booth.
Here's an idea. Wonder Woman somehow misplaces her magical powers-and happens to be in some place where women receive corporal punishment for immodest dress. Maybe a spanking or paddling,or getting her naked legs striped with a switch. Also gets it used on her bare bottom.

I Didn't Know Enough About Wonder Woman's Panties

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 6:57 pm
by web-ed
On reflection, Tanner, I think you're right - I'm sure I've seen some old Moulton-era WW comics where she has her costume in her purse, so she didn't wear it under her Diana Prince clothes. I don't remember the spinning-around changing routine from the comics, although I do remember it in the TV series. I didn't follow Wonder Woman in the 60's or 70's, because by then the spanking was unfortunately over. So I guess the truth is I just didn't know enough about WW's panties - I only know I'd like to see them taken down and her bare bottom spanked!

Now, your idea of having WW receive corporal punishment for her immodest dress has possibilities - surely a paddling or caning would be in order for this offense.