Weekly Updates

Let us know what you think about the site - what we're doing right or wrong, what you'd like to see, and any questions you might have. We'll toss some of our own thoughts and opinions in as well, including notes on the Weekly Updates at the main site.
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* Nothing involving children on the receiving end of spankings!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

interesting update as usual. i remember some spankings in "oh wicked wanda" and it seems like i have seen the first one before. somehow i managed to miss the one about the time machine though. i was thinking that there was another one i saw years ago where wanda was spanking her more for foreplay which both of them were obviously enjoying. it's been so many years i can't remember any specifics though. i enjoyed the wenzel redskin spanking even if the joke was a little weak..................LOL. the romance comic spanking was much more enjoyable with the story that goes with it. somehow it's much more arousing if the lady getting the spanking really deserves it and you know the reasons why :D . as for doctor cylon...................i enjoyed this pic and the animation. very nice. great work as usual. thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

All good ones. Also, some info on Captain Easy #1. I saw this in a newspaper strip dated something like 1970 or 1972, was quite a lengthy story involved the brattish Miss Ritzingham, several panels showing spankings. Hopefully those will turn up-remember one where she was talking with a friend , and said she found the experience "stimulating" Shows the artist recognized the erotic component of spanking.
The Native American spanking was interesting. I wonder though if spanking was part of their culture Indeed, with so many so-called primitive peoples living in tropical climates and wearing very few clothes ,would seem a possibility.
Reminds me of stories about when Europeans came to Hawaii(see James Michener's novel Hawaii ), the missionaries wanted to put the females in Mother Hubbard dresses!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

I always look forward to your updates! Thanks for including enough of the romance story to explain what that spanking was for. Sometimes the build-up makes the spanking part more fun... especially if the spankee is a brat and deserves it! My other favorite this week was the Bill Wenzel one. I had a copy of it before, but not at such a hight resolution.
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Weekly Updates for 04/15/2011

Post by web-ed »

For links please go the the Home Page.
  • Julius Zimmerman and Doctor Cylon dare To Dream the Kimposable Dream.
  • Paula Meadows draws herself administering the hairbrush to a young woman.
  • Humorama Series - very unusual cartoon (actually sequential art) from Bill Wenzel. Another CSR scoop!
  • Superhero Spankings - time for another series of these, beginning with the Enchantress swatting the Valkyrie with her own sword!
  • The Search for the Holy Grail - Join me as I scour DC Silver-Age back issues on the hunt for a rumored Superman/Supergirl spanking! No, I don't believe it exists, but I won't stop looking until I've examined each one of Supergirl's 200 Silver-Age appearances. I've put a couple of pictures with Supergirl looking spankable on the page for anyone who isn't all that interested in the details of the search. Also, I'm "re-opening" Comics Gallery 1 (not that it was ever closed) to house the search page and other new pages in coming weeks, so I've spruced up the index page a little.
  • Comic Strip Spankings concludes with Debbi. Not exactly a high note to end this 10-month series on, but it'll do.
And speaking of Comic Strip Spankings, this would be a good time to thank those who contributed to this series in one way or another. Apologies if I've left anyone out:
  • JimC, who made it possible in the first place by pointing me to the various Yahoo groups where, strange as it may seem, most of these old treasures were housed.
  • JS666, who contributed information and identifications, as well as some corrections for Winnie Winkle.
  • Dan Rivera, who provided a rare Smilin’ Jack panel and also shared some personal remembrances.
  • Harry, who identified an alternate version of a Li’l Abner panel that had not actually appeared in the strip.

As I mention on the Debbi page, the fact that this series is over doesn't mean I won't be presenting more strip spankings, it's just that I don't have any more in the files. I'm still searching, and sooner or later I'm bound to find some new material.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

As usual, I look forward to your weekly updates. This time, there's a Wenzel spanking cartoon that I didn't even know existed! ...and a sequential one at that! As is customary for Bill Wenzel, the spankee has a voluptuous shape and a dress made of some clingy, filmy fabric... but this time, his OTK positioning of the spankee is nearly perfect! WOW! Thank you for posting that one!
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i was checking out the updates and you have a great bunch this week. i remember dan's i r s pic but hadn't seen it for a while. i love the look of worry and disbelief on the fraudulent female's face as well as the well rounded, upturned bottom :D . apparently dan meant that this should be standard operating procedure for the i r s. just look at the workers in the background, neither of whom are paying the slightest attention to the spanking in progress............as if they've seen it all many times before :lol: . as for doc cylon....................nice workout :D . as always, paula draws the female form as well as anyone i've seen and i love pretty much anything done by her. i have this pic in my collection but didn't realize this was supposed to be her doing the spanking though. thanks and a tip of the hat for this bit of info. i don't recall ever seeing a sequence by wenzel before and i must say i like it :D . of course, as is usual, the lady is well rounded and as web-ed mentioned she has the customary clinging dress to accent those curves. in the "debbi" strip, i don't know if she had a hidden desire to be spanked or not but i like that idea and i think i'll chose to believe that anyway.............LOL. enchantress and valkyrie..............just as web-ed pointed out. the expressions say it all. i love it :D . i sure would like to see what happened in the next few minutes after this pic.................heh,heh. supergirl..............hooray for web-ed and dave wolfe :lol: . i loved this weeks updates. great job web-ed. thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by jimc »

Great updats and finds as usual web-ed. Thanks for the acknowledgement of my contibutions to your data base, but all i did was tell you where to find some, because you started off saying that there were not that many and then you have found several hundred. The work you did was AWESOME. The finds were well researched, well written commentaries and a great big THANK YOU for all your hard work and effort in creating and maintaining the database. The only thing i would say to make it better would be links to the ones that you did not use or other links to the sites that you found the information on. I think Debbi was only in comic books and to the best of my knowledge she was never a newspaper strip. Although i would imagine finding strips would be far harder to find than comic books as comic strips were carried in some newspapers and every newspaper did have different strips as they had different syndicates that provided the comics to them. That there were so many strips was also a factor in why so many were seen, but some were not found as newspapers folded and their archives closed with them or some other disaster closed them (floods, fires, earthquakes, etc) that they will never be seen again. I remember several that i have never seen again from when i first saw them and i may have even had them in my collection that was lost in the house flood several years ago, but they are gone only to the recesses of my mind.
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Weekly Updates for 04/22/2011

Post by web-ed »

For links please go the the Home Page.
  • Updated the recent Tillie the Toiler with a second spanking panel which is remarkably similar to the first.
  • Updated The Paddler #1 with an improved cover scan and an interior panel. This was one of the first comic-books we put into CSR in 2004. It's not all that great, but the fact that there was an actual comic-book called "The Paddler" is something spankos need to know!
  • Seasonally-appropriate attire, in the form of a bad girl in a bunny suit from Jackson Guile, is colored by Doctor Cylon.
  • Picture Gallery - Our series on Paula Meadows continues with a maid cropped over a rocking horse.
  • Humorama series continues with the first of five F/F scenes by Bill Ward. In this one, a brunette uses a hairbrush to teach a blonde not to borrow her boyfriends.
  • Li'l Abner spanking Daisy Mae - This isn't a new item - we posted this panel in the Humor Gallery some time ago - but since it's from a comic strip, we wanted to give it a separate page in Comics Gallery 2. And while we were at it, we added two new colorized versions.
  • Hated to suspend the latest mini-series of Marvel Superheroine Spankings after one week, but it's only temporary. We will resume it two weeks from today with Hawkeye spanking the Scarlet Witch! This week we have another special feature: we revisit The Lois Lane Spanking Letters, five fairly well-known (in spanking circles) fan letters to the Lois Lane comic book in the early 1960's. Although these five letters have appeared elsewhere, we've gone further than other sites and identified the specific issues they appeared in, and we've analyzed the editor's responses in order to draw certain conclusions about why we've seen some kinds of spankings from the "Superman Family" titles and not others. We've also added excerpts from contemporary issues of Lois Lane to show exactly why it was that so many people (even an entire fan club!) thought Lois deserved a spanking. In fact, we show that it would have been kinder to Lois to spank her than put her through what Superman did instead. Finally, we added a panel showing Lois in a spankable position so we can dream about what could (and should) have been.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by Tanner »

Again, some great new material. Obviously have been many people who wanted to see Lois Lane get spanked. I think its interesting that the Superman spankings have all been from the newspaper strips, not the comic books. Of course after the infamous Comics Code got instituted in the 50s, artists and writers might not have wanted to take a chance of having trouble by showing Superman spanking an adult woman.
Love the Humorama material. There is something very appealing about vintage spankings where girls are being spanked in lingerie or swimwear from the 30s,40s, 50s. And I think it safe to say that back then showing spankings was considered no big deal in print media, just like the movies.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

In the early '60s, when I was a little boy, they sold 4-packs of D.C. comic books at the grocery store. Whenever I went shopping with my Grandma, she'd buy me one. It contained two of their best sellers, paired with two others that weren't so popular. At the time, there were only two reasons in my mind for reading Superman's Girlfriend, Lois Lane: It was usually one of the less-popular comics included in the 4-pack... and there was the vain hope that someday, the writers would give the readers what they wanted, and have Superman finally give in to the urge he must have felt for years! :x

The last letter-writer had a great idea with the pillows. It would've been so much fun to see Lois sitting on a giant stack of them at the end of the story! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by jimc »

I always wanted Lois Lane to get spanked esp as drawn by shellenberger. I could not agree more that with the hands behind their backs Lois and Lana do look like they should have had stars around their bottoms. I did think that they deserved spankings on more than occasion and i thought the positioning of lois was outstanding where did you get the thought balloon though it does look like it was a real thought balloon from somewhere. Great updates as usual web-ed. I was going to say i thought Ward used hairbrushes and paddles quite often and very seldom used hands from what i remember. The expressions and the otk positioning were outstanding i thought. i do wonder though if it was the same person writing the lettes and somehow using another address. (To be honest i did write one to one comic and i mailed it from my grandparent's town so it would not come from me.) I did think it stange that the newspaper strips had many spankings in Superman and indeed some of the first stories did indeed have Superman delivering some otk to some socialite yet surprisingly enough Lois, Lana, Vickie Vale and even Iris West escaped spankings although it did look like Superman, Batman and the Flash were considering it. I also think Carter Hall was considering it for Mavis Trent or at least Sheiera was on more than a few stories. The Phantom collage was great. I always thought that any of the heroines that did get spanked did deserve it (Tillie The Toiler) (Mac's line "she certainly did") was indeed a classic and when i first saw it i thought it was one of the greatest lines in comic strip history. Zack Mosely and his line ("I can't believe that you actually spanked me, Jolly" and of course the reply was" well ,you certainly deserved it" was a close second). Well have a happy Eater everyone and have a great day.
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Re: Weekly Updates of 04/22/2011

Post by web-ed »

I found that panel of Lois in a 1973 Spanish-language reprint of what must have been (judging by the style) an early issue of her own book, Lois Lane, but I don't know the exact issue. So yes, that was an actual thought balloon with the original thoughts removed and suitable spanking sentiments inserted in their place.

Bill Ward did seem to use hairbrushes and paddles more often than the other Humorama artists - of course, he was by far the most prolific of them as well. Kirk Stiles used a book (once) and a hairbrush (twice) but normally stuck to the hand, as did DeCarlo and Homer. It may well be that Ward was genuinely into spanking while the others weren't.

As you note, the Superman newspaper strips featured several spankings given by Superman (we'll be seeing some more of them in the future) whereas the Superman comic books did not. It's pretty clear that this is due to the different editors: Weisinger as we've seen resisted Superman administering spankings while whoever edited the strips obviously had no objections.

DC's other editors were presumably more open to the idea of a superhero giving a spanking. The famous Batman/Marcia Monroe scene might never have taken place if Weisinger had been the editor. Carter Hall (Hawkman, for those readers not familiar with the character) certainly should have spanked Mavis Trent, who was always chasing after him. I'm not sure why Hawkman didn't just come out and tell her he was married to Hawkgirl (Shiera) - it's not like it would have given away their secret identities or anything. A Hawkman/Hawkgirl spanking would have been nice, but I'd have to say Mavis deserved it more as she was something of a scheming little minx. But Gardner Fox, who wrote a lot of those Silver-Age Hawkman stories, didn't think in terms of spanking, nor unfortunately did John Broome, who wrote most of the Silver-Age Flash issues and was probably DC's best writer overall during this period. So Iris West, who could be a little snippy and impatient at times with her "slow-moving" boyfriend (and later husband) Barry Allen (Flash), never did get taught the lesson she needed about being grateful for what she had.

Going back for a moment to the idea of Hawkman as spanker, I don't think that this has been suggested before, but it's actually worth following up on, at least to the extent of adding it to the commission list. Hawkman would probably have made a very good spanker, looking aggressive and masculine in his bare-chested bird-of-prey costume.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i was checking out tillie the toiler and i must say i'm glad you found this other pic. it does seem like it could have been another panel from the same strip although i notice that both spanker and spankee are in exactly the same positions :?: . if it was another pic it would have been nice if they had changed the position some. in any case, i really like the onlooker and her comments. just something great about a public spanking :D . do we have any idea who the onlooker is? her mom perhaps? it was interesting that there was a comic book called "the paddler" but i can't say that this kind of spanking does much for me. i love the drop seat in the bunny pic as well as the nicely rounded botom :D . her expression is priceless too...............LOL. i have the one by paula in my collection. again, this isn't really my cup of tea but you gotta love her ability to draw..............especially the female form. i didn't have the animation but i do now.................thanks for posting that. i liked the one by bill ward even if it is 2 girls. the spanker looks as happy as the spankee looks surprised :lol: i really like the 2 variations on the lil abner spanking too..................the bare bottom seems way better to me :D . whoever did the second one changed her expression too and i liked that. the lois lane letters i found really interesting. i never knew those existed so i got a real history lesson there. i also enjoyed your comments about the editors too. very interesting and entertaining update. thanks, phil
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Re: Weekly Updates for 04/22

Post by web-ed »

Glad you liked them, Phil. As it happens, I agree with you about the cropping by Paula and The Paddler. The crop is my least-favorite implement, and having the spankee in a seated position really makes no sense as you can't reach the bottom of the Bottom's bottom! But Paula was probably illustrating some fantasy story there, and the next drawings of hers we'll see feature the tawse and the cane, followed by photos of Paula receiving the cane herself!

The paddle is my favorite implement, but I must admit The Paddler didn't really employ it to best advantage. With the spankee properly bent over, back arched and bottom up, the swat properly applied, and a good reaction shot it would have been a different story. Still, it's incredible that such a title even existed, and I'm on the lookout for issue #2 (known to exist) and #3 (rumored to exist).
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Weekly Updates for 04/29/2011

Post by web-ed »

For links please visit the Home Page.

This is Focus on The Phantom week, which I've been really excited about for a long time. The only drawback is that preparing all 10 updates took more time than I thought it would over the past couple of weeks, so that I couldn't get any other updates done except for Doctor Cylon spanking another Vargas Girl. Still, as much as I don't like to lose whatever momentum I may have built up with the Marvel superheroines and Humorama series, it may be just as well that we take a pause here since there's such a thing as too many updates to be absorbed at one time, and I don't want to detract from any of them getting the attention they deserve. I'll likely have to do two Humorama updates in some weeks in order to finish by the end of December, but I don't think anyone will mind.

The Phantom was the first masked hero and a great strip, so he deserves the spotlight. Here's what we've got:
  • Adventure In Algiers - The Phantom spanks Zagra. This was the first Phantom spanking we found, and it is the oldest known, from 1938. We've separated this from two other scenes, added new scans that place the spanking in context, and added both improved B & W and colorized versions of the spanking panel.
  • The Sky Band - A great double-spanking of these bad girl air pirates. We nailed down the exact date of this episode and updated the page with new scans showing how they knocked out The Phantom and dumped him into their boat, plus the entire spanking page!
  • The Marshall Sisters - More context, plus color versions of the spanking panel and a post-spanking scene in which the sisters express their desire not to have to sit down! :) See it all here.
  • Queen Pera I - The Phantom spanking Queen Pera deserves its own page, which it now has. We've also identified the date it originally appeared, given more context, and added new scans of the spanking panels.
  • Queen Pera II - Count Jorge learned how to handle a woman from The Phantom and spanks Pera himself. This one also now has its own page, and again we added some new scans.
  • Queen Pera III - This was a previously posted scene we had thought was Phantom spanking a Jungle Girl. It's actually from a Swedish-language version of the Queen Pera episode, and we've added improved photos of both spanking panels.
  • Queen Pera IV - The Swedish-language version of Count Jorge's turn spanking Pera. Brand-new spanking panel, never before seen on the web, and absolutely gorgeous in full color! :)
  • Queen Pera V - Queen Pera The Perfect (and The Haughty) gets taken down another peg, once more by The Phantom, and this time on her bare bottom! Painted in full color by artist and Phantom-fan Romano Felmang. After five spankings, how long will it be before Pera can sit comfortably on her throne again? :lol:
  • The Phantom Spanks a Girl in a Restaurant - brand-new, from another Swedish-language version of the strip.
  • The Phantom Spanks a Girl Explorer - from an unknown Italian-language version of the strip. Includes an index of all Phantom spankings here on CSR.
I also managed to time things so that some of these Phantom updates pushed the Comics Spanking Data Base up to 400 rows, believing that The Phantom deserved that honor. When I created it, my thinking was that it might reach 200 some time in the (distant) future. Now, only 13 months later, it's at 400! About 158 of those are from the Great Golden Age Search, and there were probably about 50 already on CSR when the DB was created that I had to put in at the beginning, but that still leaves 200 others that have been discovered this year! Much as I'd like to discover another 200 in the next 12 months, I don't think it's going to happen.

The DB is actually large enough now that it's a little awkward to dump its complete contents (which is what happens when you go to its main page). I may build in some further search facilities if I can ever find the time. Meanwhile, for most of us the obvious thing to do is turn on the "M/F" filter so we only get those spankings as output (which reminds me - I've also got to have searches report on the number of rows they find). And of course you can always use your browser's search facility to search on fields like "artist" which I didn't create columns for (I wanted to keep the number of columns as small as possible).
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by hugob00m »

WOW! Great update this week! I was vaguely aware that there had been a couple of spankings in The Phantom, but no idea there were that many. The Phantom is now my favorite superhero! Thank you for all the work you put into gathering and posting those pics, and showing us, not just the spankings themselves, but the context in which they took place. For this, I don't mind missing the Humorama instalment.
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

i heartily agree with boom. this is a great update this time :D . no actual spanking in the doc cylon but WHEW! all the phantom stuff was great. i'm a little confused though. when you were talking about the phantom appearing in other countries in different languages i was thinking that they would be the same drawings just having the words in different languages. if i understand this correctly though the drawings were done by different artists. is this right? was it common practice for the versions in other languages to be done as the artists there saw fit? did they chose which stories they liked and just do them or did they follow all the stories? i would appreciate any info you can give me on this. i was comparing the english and swedish language versions of jorge spanking pera and the 2 panels are totally different. her position is different as is his and the facial expression of pain in the english version is totally changed to one of shock and surprise in the swedish one. the bare bottom version is the one i liked the best though................very nicely shaped spank spot :D . i liked the guy in the background chuckling at the restaurant too............LOL. thanks for all the work to post these. phil
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Re: Weekly Updates 04/29

Post by web-ed »


Yes, some of these drawings were the same storyline done by different artists. What I don't have is a precise catalogue of exactly which countries each version appeared in. Here's what I know:
  • The Swedish-language versions of Phantom and Jorge spanking Queen Pera were published in comic-book form and redrawn by Romano Felmang and Germano Ferri from the original storyline in the strip version which it followed closely. I know it appeared in Finland and probably in Norway, and in fact I suspect it was distributed through most of Europe using this same art but translated into French, Italian, etc. However, I can't confirm this.
  • The Swedish-language colored panels featuring the Marshall sisters reprinted the original strip art by Wilson McCoy.
  • The origin of that Swedish-language scene of the Phantom spanking that brat in the restaurant is unknown - it could have been a reprint of the American strip or it could have been redrawn for a European(?) version.
  • The origin of the Italian-language scene is also unknown, although my guess is that it's a reprint of the American strip in later years (after 1960).
  • The version translated into Hindi (not shown) was definitely the original strip art.
Of course that leaves us with a lot of unanswered questions, like why was one Swedish version redrawn while the other reprinted the original strip art? There are also Australian Phantom comic-books, which I don't have any samples of. Are they strip reprints or were they redrawn? Certainly the restaurant scene and the Italian spanking should inspire us to keep looking as there may be alternate versions of both (possibly in color) that would be well worth obtaining.

B00M - glad you like the updates. And the Humorama series will resume next week!
-- Web-Ed
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Re: Weekly Updates

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

thanks for all the info. as you said, it leaves a lot of unanswered questions but it's all interesting none the less. you mentioned that the swedish language versions were in comic book form and were redrawn using the comic strip story. makes me wonder if comic book versions of strips were usually redrawn or just happened to be in this case?? were the swedish language colored panels featuring the marshall sisters also from a comic book or a strip................do we know? thanks for all the information. i appreciate all the time you devote to these. phil
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Phantom - Redrawn or Reused?

Post by web-ed »

It's still not clear why some episodes were apparently redrawn while others reused the original strip art. The Marshall Sisters post-spanking color panels reused the original Sunday strip art (with, of course, new Swedish lettering). They may or may not have been recolored - although the originals would have been in color, I don't have them for comparison, and when I finally track the entire episode down, I expect I'll only find it in black and white.

My best guess at the moment is that the redrawing, when it took place, was done for commercial considerations, perhaps because in Europe (especially in France and Italy) readers were used to the modern style of artists such as Serpieri, Manara, and Giraud (among many others). That's pure speculation on my part, though, and certainly I don't find anything wrong or lacking in the art of Ray Moore and Wilson McCoy. Luckily for us, Romano Felmang and Germano Ferri did a great job redrawing Queen Pera's two spankings.
-- Web-Ed
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