Good Marks

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Re: Good Marks

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:The other girls seem to all be spankos, Butch, which means they both want to be in Xandra's place and dread the idea at the same time.
Hi web-ed,

This is a good point and I think this one of the reasons getting a public spanking is a favorite fantasy of most spankees. They shudder at the idea of actually getting spanked in public but, on the other hand, they find the idea of having it happen and having no choice in the matter to be fascinating.......and probably arousing 8-) .
web-ed wrote:Well, Walter has mastered his naughty girl completely, and it is indeed sound practice with a disciplinary spanking to require the naughty girl to promise to behave better in the future. Things are certainly looking up, and while Xandra will find it embarrassing to show her face around the house for a while, in the end her relationship with Walter will be better because of this spanking. This is a very well-done scene, Phil, and the only thing I regret is that our story must now be nearing its end (so to speak).
I have a strong hunch that you are right about Xandra being embarrassed about this for some time to come and I think her friends aren't going to let her forget it any time soon, if ever :lol: . I also think you are exactly right when you say that her relationship with Walter is going to be better from now on. To take that thought a step further, I have a hunch that most of the onlookers already knew that and that's perhaps one of the reasons they were enjoying her predicament so much. It's a sure bet that Peggy knew all this and I think she was not only enjoying this spectacle, but was also actually happy for her friend 8-) .

I'm glad you enjoyed this scene :D . We still have a ways to go in our story yet, although I haven't totally lined out the direction it's going to take in my mind so I'm not sure exactly how far we have to go yet. Thanks, Phil
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Re: Good Marks

Post by willjohn »

There is more? I am surprised.

Will this advance to the use of implements?
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Re: Good Marks

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:There is more? I am surprised.

Will this advance to the use of implements?
Hi Willjohn,

There is indeed more :D . We'll just have to wait and see about the implements :lol: . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Good Marks

Post by jimc »

I have been unable to comment due to computer issues, but I did want to say what a great story this has been. I enjoy her reddened bottom and the other girls remembering their spankings as well now their boyfriends just need to show up so all can see how the others are spanked. Thanks again and have a great day.
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Re: Good Marks

Post by overbarrel49 »

jimc wrote:I have been unable to comment due to computer issues, but I did want to say what a great story this has been. I enjoy her reddened bottom and the other girls remembering their spankings as well now their boyfriends just need to show up so all can see how the others are spanked. Thanks again and have a great day.
Hi Jim,

It's good to see you back again :D . I hope your problems are over now and you can continue to join us. I'm also glad you're enjoying my story :D . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Good Marks

Post by daneldorado »

willjohn wrote:

There is more? I am surprised.
Will this advance to the use of implements?

Wait. Isn't a hard leather slipper an implement?

I very much enjoyed the opening panels, which showed Walter spanking his sweetie Xandra over his knee with the hard palm of his hand. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but let me say that to me, a hard palm-of-the-hand spanking is the most sensual and enjoyable spanking there is. Just think. The man -- assume he's the spanker -- gets to wallop his sweetie on the sexiest part of her outer body, with his actual hand! The exciting tactile sensation produced by flesh-on-flesh action sends me into joyous exhilaration, far more than I could achieve by using an impersonal slipper, hairbrush, or paddle. Let me ask you this: Isn't using a weapon kind of sadistic?

The curve of a woman's buttock is shaped -- deliberately, I believe -- to conform to the same curve produced by a man's cupped hand. Even if you are not religious, doesn't that at least suggest that they were shaped that way by Intelligent Design?

Think about it.

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Re: Good Marks

Post by willjohn »

If Walter ever did manual work his hands would probably be harder than the sole of a bedroom slipper.

The fact that men have nipples would seem to gravitate against intelligent design.
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Re: Good Marks

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote: Wait. Isn't a hard leather slipper an implement?
Hi Dan,

I would certainly consider the slipper to be an implement and I think Xandra's tender bottom cheeks would agree with you too :lol: .
daneldorado wrote:I very much enjoyed the opening panels, which showed Walter spanking his sweetie Xandra over his knee with the hard palm of his hand. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but let me say that to me, a hard palm-of-the-hand spanking is the most sensual and enjoyable spanking there is. Just think. The man -- assume he's the spanker -- gets to wallop his sweetie on the sexiest part of her outer body, with his actual hand! The exciting tactile sensation produced by flesh-on-flesh action sends me into joyous delights, far more than I could achieve by using an impersonal slipper, hairbrush, or paddle. Let me ask you this: Isn't using a weapon kind of sadistic?
I agree with your thoughts about hand spanking. That's why many of my toons feature hand spanking, either for the entire spanking or at least to start. There's nothing like a good bottom warming with your hand to get all those juices flowing, for both the spanker and spankee. In this case, Xandra was being so stubborn and so uncooperative that the slipper seemed like a good idea to Walter just to move things along 8-) ........and it must also have seemed like a good idea to Christine since she was the one who handed the slipper to him :lol: . I think your question about using a weapon was directed to Willjohn and I think I'll let him reply to that one :lol: .
daneldorado wrote:The curve of a woman's buttock is shaped -- deliberately, I believe -- to conform to the same curve produced by a man's cupped hand. Even if you are not religious, doesn't that at least suggest that they were shaped that way by Intelligent Design?

Think about it.

I'm not going to speculate about intelligent design since, again, I think that question was directed at Willjohn. I will say that you are exactly right that a man's curved hand does indeed fit the curve of a woman's bottom nicely........and just the way we like it 8-) . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Good Marks

Post by web-ed »

daneldorado wrote:
Wait. Isn't a hard leather slipper an implement?

I very much enjoyed the opening panels, which showed Walter spanking his sweetie Xandra over his knee with the hard palm of his hand. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but let me say that to me, a hard palm-of-the-hand spanking is the most sensual and enjoyable spanking there is. Just think. The man -- assume he's the spanker -- gets to wallop his sweetie on the sexiest part of her outer body, with his actual hand! The exciting tactile sensation produced by flesh-on-flesh action sends me into joyous exhilaration, far more than I could achieve by using an impersonal slipper, hairbrush, or paddle. Let me ask you this: Isn't using a weapon kind of sadistic?

The curve of a woman's buttock is shaped -- deliberately, I believe -- to conform to the same curve produced by a man's cupped hand. Even if you are not religious, doesn't that at least suggest that they were shaped that way by Intelligent Design?

I think we'd have to concede that the plimsoll is indeed an implement, Dan. On the other hand, we'd also have to concede that Phil could be inventive enough and work hard enough to bring yet another implement into this story if he wanted to, although I personally think that would require a scene-change. It's up to him, of course, and the rest of us will just have to follow along along - a simple and enjoyable task! :D

I don't think you're in the minority here in favoring OTK hand spanking. I've seen a poll somewhere in which OTK was the favored position among spankos, although it wasn't scientific (that is, it wasn't a random sample of spankos). OTK has to be the original spanking position, and the hand the original implement, and hats off to the genius who figured this out way back in human prehistory.

On the other hand, both have their limitations. You yourself once spanked until your hand split open! Implements save a lot of wear and tear on the hand. Paddles are extremely versatile and can administer a wide range of spankings, from sensual to fun to punishment, and canes have a special cachet as disciplinary implements. As to sadistic, well, that depends: the thin oval leather paddle is quite gentle even though stingy, while paddles of wood, lexan, or heavier leather (the basic factor here is weight) must certainly be used carefully - but when they are, they're wonderful!

As for OTK, it works best if the man is substantially larger than the woman, as often happens. It's not so good with a jockey trying to spank a plus-sized woman, although it can be done. Once at a spanking party it took two of us guys sitting on separate chairs facing each other to fit this woman over our combined knees, but it worked and she got whacked really good by two hands instead of one :lol: ! Probably OTK's biggest drawback is that it's not easily perfectible; that is, it's hard to get it exactly right. The Bending Over positions are perfectible - you just keep adjusting the spankee's position until it's perfect, using aids such as a chair, ottoman (forces her to bend over further than a chair does ;) ), desk, or spanking horse if desired - and I find making the spankee arch her back (ideally with a bare bottom and feet wide apart) and stick it out extremely effective in producing the humiliation and "loss of control" feeling many female spankos are desperately seeking.

Finally, we must never forget my theory of the Transformative Event (TE), presented on CSR two years ago. Early experiences rather than rational choice explain many of the preferences in spanking. School canings and paddlings in particular have without question influenced many of us in the scene. Once you have, as an impressionable youth, seen or fantasized about your good-looking female classmate having to bend over for the paddle or cane, you're not going to be able to forget about it later in life, and it may be that OTK will be relegated to a distant second place as far as desired positions go.
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Re: Good Marks

Post by hugob00m »

Hi, Phil. Sorry I haven't commented in a while, but lately, every time I log on to C.S.R. I get interrupted.

I've been enjoying your story, and I love watching Xandra's cute bottom turning redder in each panel! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: In the most recent, I'm reminded of a pair of luscious ripe tomatoes! (You say to-may-to, I say... well, actually... I say to-may-to too!)

With Xandra's promise to be a good girl, and Walter telling her she can get up, it looks like the spanking is over... but you informed Dan that the story isn't. Hmmmm! I'm guessing we'll see, at the very least, Walter taking Xandra into his arms to reassure her that he still loves his naughty girl.

Maybe we'll see Xandra doing her homework standing up? Maybe she'll be taking a pillow to her classes next day?

I can hardly wait to see what comes next!
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Re: Good Marks

Post by overbarrel49 »

Hi everyone,

Have you ever noticed that girls invariably love dancing :D ? I guess that's why everyone is having such a good time 8-) .........well.......almost everyone :lol: . I hope you enjoy the new pic. Phil
such talent at dancing!
such talent at dancing!
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Re: Good Marks

Post by overbarrel49 »

hugob00m wrote:Hi, Phil. Sorry I haven't commented in a while, but lately, every time I log on to C.S.R. I get interrupted.
Hi Boom,

I know exactly what you mean. I'm glad you managed to make it this time :D .
hugob00m wrote:I've been enjoying your story, and I love watching Xandra's cute bottom turning redder in each panel! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: In the most recent, I'm reminded of a pair of luscious ripe tomatoes! (You say to-may-to, I say... well, actually... I say to-may-to too!)
I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying the view, even if you haven't gotten to reply recently 8-) .
hugob00m wrote:With Xandra's promise to be a good girl, and Walter telling her she can get up, it looks like the spanking is over... but you informed Dan that the story isn't. Hmmmm! I'm guessing we'll see, at the very least, Walter taking Xandra into his arms to reassure her that he still loves his naughty girl.
I have no doubt that Walter and Xandra will finish their re connection once they are alone and can have a private discussion 8-) . I do have more about this story to tell yet and we will be continuing for a while :D .
hugob00m wrote: Maybe we'll see Xandra doing her homework standing up? Maybe she'll be taking a pillow to her classes next day?

I can hardly wait to see what comes next!
You may just be right that Xandra will be having some problems sitting for a while ;) . More to come. Thanks, Phil
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Re: Good Marks

Post by overbarrel49 »

web-ed wrote:I think we'd have to concede that the plimsoll is indeed an implement, Dan. On the other hand, we'd also have to concede that Phil could be inventive enough and work hard enough to bring yet another implement into this story if he wanted to, although I personally think that would require a scene-change. It's up to him, of course, and the rest of us will just have to follow along along - a simple and enjoyable task! :D
Hi web-ed,

I'm glad you find following my story to be a simple and enjoyable task :D . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Good Marks

Post by daneldorado »

Oh Lordy Phil! This latest panel... although it shows no spanking going on... has got to be one of my favorites from this set. Have we ever seen a more vigorous apres-spank dance? Didn't think so. You really have some witty ideas. Xandra is dancing and rubbing, rubbing and dancing... and all her girlfriends are laughing and teasing her in her hour of intense pain. It would seem sadistic, except for the fact that we all know that pain is temporary and she will feel fine in a few days. If she doesn't mess up again. :lol:

For the tearful Xandra, the most ominous words coming from Walter at this point have to be: "Well, at least now we know the cure for being a naughty girl!" Is it possible the willful Xandra will really behave herself forever now? Forever? DUNBISILLA!

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Re: Good Marks

Post by overbarrel49 »

daneldorado wrote:Oh Lordy Phil! This latest panel... although it shows no spanking going on... has got to be one of my favorites from this set. Have we ever seen a more vigorous apres-spank dance? Didn't think so. You really have some witty ideas. Xandra is dancing and rubbing, rubbing and dancing... and all her girlfriends are laughing and teasing her in her hour of intense pain. It would seem sadistic, except for the fact that we all know that pain is temporary and she will feel fine in a few days. If she doesn't mess up again. :lol:
Hi Dan,

I'm glad you enjoyed this pic :D . I know I enjoy watching some vigorous dancing and rubbing and I was hoping everyone else would too 8-) . It seemed to me that her girl friends would really be enjoying this part and teasing their friend for sure. It might be considered sadistic but in this case, I think the girls all know this is going to be good for her and Walter's relationship and are actually happy for her 8-) . I also think this is their way of welcoming her to the spanked girlfriend's club :lol: .
daneldorado wrote:For the tearful Xandra, the most ominous words coming from Walter at this point have to be: "Well, at least now we know the cure for being a naughty girl!" Is it possible the willful Xandra will really behave herself forever now? Forever? DUNBISILLA!

I suppose it is possible she will behave forever, however, my own experience and the history of spankees are both against that :lol: . She will probably behave for a little while, though. At least till her bottom returns to normal :lol: . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Good Marks

Post by willjohn »

Xandra has lost the last shred of her dignity AND her panties.

It is going to take a lot of rubbing to get that behind to feel comfortable. :roll:
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Re: Good Marks

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:Xandra has lost the last shred of her dignity AND her panties.

It is going to take a lot of rubbing to get that behind to feel comfortable. :roll:
Hi Willjohn,'s all totally humiliating for Xandra :roll: . I think this is one spanking she's going to remember for a long time and she's also going to remember that most of this embarrassment is her own fault for not going with Walter to begin with :? .

You mentioned it's going to take a lot of rubbing before her bottom feels better. As it happens, a spankee friend of mine had an observation about that which I am going to copy and paste just for your general information. She said, "Dancing after a spanking is like putting on mascara - you don't know why you have to open your mouth to put mascara on your eyes, but everyone does it - dancing doesn't make the burn better- but you just gotta do it!!! Hope she doesn't trip on her panties..."

Anyway, you get the point :lol: . Thanks, Phil
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Re: Good Marks

Post by willjohn »

That's true! After that trip she would be face down on the floor with everything on display.

As Effie would say in "Acropolis Now" "How embarrassment!"
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Re: Good Marks

Post by overbarrel49 »

willjohn wrote:That's true! After that trip she would be face down on the floor with everything on display.

As Effie would say in "Acropolis Now" "How embarrassment!"
HI Willjohn,

As we will see in the next pic, Xandra does not trip over her panties even though they are probably inhibiting her ability to dance at this point :lol: . I wouldn't do that to her. Thanks, Phil
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Re: Good Marks

Post by willjohn »

I R Baboon told us "You don't need pants for a victory dance" but they may give comfort in an ignominious defeat such as Xandra's in her "ouchie dance."

Sitting would be out of the question for quite a while too.
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