spanking pics using poser and photoshop

The cartoons of Overbarrel. Reader comments strongly desired!

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

i thought it was time i posted another pic and i found one that i particularly like. the young lady here has been given a good, sound, hand spanking followed by several minutes in the corner. now it's time for a session with the paddle to really set this lesson in her mind :D . phil
when a problem continues even after repeated discussion and a good spanking, it's time for sterner measures.
when a problem continues even after repeated discussion and a good spanking, it's time for sterner measures.
024 csr.jpg (186.19 KiB) Viewed 6188 times

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »

Holy cow!

With your latest poser art, Phil, you have outdone yourself!

Although this one is not OTK, nor is it a spanking delivered by hand, you've wrung every drop of emotion out of your subject. You've got the girl lying on the bed, crying crocodile tears as her bottom is attacked vigorously (and righteously too, I'm sure) by a strong man (her boyfriend?) armed with a ping-pong paddle.

His positioning is superb. We can see his swing is at its apogee, and every muscle of his body is engaged in delivering that proper spank. Trust me, this is an arousing piece of art.

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

thanks so much for your kind words. they brought a grin to my face :D . i chose this pic to post for just the reasons that you mentioned............the emotions of the spankee and the position of the spanker. the vast majority of spanking pics i do are otk and hand spanking and i completely forgot that this one wasn't when i was looking for one to post. that strong man spanking her was meant to be her husband but could just as easily have been her boyfriend. it always seemed to me that spanking shared by couples, whether married or not, were the most emotional and the most arousing. i personally thought it was arousing but it's nice to hear that someone else thought so too. i'm glad you enjoyed this one.............your comments were greatly appreciated. phil
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Re: Phil's Paddling Pic

Post by web-ed »

I had thought you only did OTK hand spankings until I saw this, so it came as a nice surprise! I love paddling, and a nice moment-of-impact scene like this is about as good as it gets! From the expression on her face, I'd say she'll be much the better for it afterward. This is a good, strong scene, intense and erotic.

It does add a special dimension if the couple is involved (romantic spanking), and there's no reason not to suggest this is the case in your cartoons. Real life spankings are often given by a disciplinarian who isn't the spankee's lover, but I don't think they would make for better art in any way, and of course it might not be easy to convey this relationship through purely visual means anyway.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi web-ed,

the vast majority of pics that i do are otk and most are hand spanking because that's the kind of spanking that i find most appealing :D . a little paddling is indicated once in a while though so some of them have a paddle or hairbrush in them. i think i even did one with a slipper. i really appreciate your comment about the scene being strong, intense and erotic. i was really pleased with the expression on our spankee and thought it really was an intense moment so it's good to hear you say that :D .

i agree that it does add a special dimension if the couple is romantically involved with each other. i'm gonna have to remember to put that kind of info in when i post these pics since i am normally just posting a single pic instead of a whole toon. in this particular case, this pic is one of 27 in the toon and i think i made it plain both in the toon itself as well as the posts i do to introduce each pic at my group that they were man and wife. that is essential information and i'll try to remember to think to include that stuff from now on. thanks a bunch for your comments. i really enjoyed them :D phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by hugob00m »

overbarrel49 wrote:the vast majority of pics that i do are otk and most are hand spanking because that's the kind of spanking that i find most appealing :D
Those are the kind I like the best too. I guess it depends on whether the primary goal of the spanking is pure punishment, or the feel of her soft, round buttocks under his hand, jiggling enticingly with every swat!

Your most recent picture is fun. I like the expression on her face, even though I would prefer to see her turned over her husband's knee.

Also, I agree with you that it's more appealing to have the man and woman be a married couple... or a boyfriend and girlfriend... or at the very least a man and woman with the potential of becoming romantically involved. (like in those old screwball comedies in the old days where the man and woman have just met and she does something that provokes him to the point of spanking her... and then... at the end of the story... surprise! ...They're in love!)
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi boom,

i think we are all pretty much in agreement about the romantic involvement of the spanking couple making the whole thing more appealing. web-ed mentioned that the scene was intense. i think the romantic involvement of the couple makes a spanking more intense. for the woman, knowing that she has disappointed her man, i think often causes them more intense emotions than the actual spanking does. some of the spankees at the yahoo group i belong to have said that they seldom cry because if the pain of a spanking but that the emotions of what they have done to their spanker will cause tears. perhaps that's where the tears came from on this spankee. thanks for your comments. i appreciate them. phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by hugob00m »

I've just been thinking about something... One of the things that makes your pictures so appealing, is that you illustrate a love story between a husband and wife. Up until now, in my O.T. Katie comics, I've mostly done stories about a single woman, living on her own, getting spanked by men who are authority figures in her life, but are not romantically involved with her. Do you think it woulld be an improvement if I gave Katie a husband? ...Or should I leave well enough alone and continue to do stories with an unmarried Katie?

I'd like your opinion, and along with that, the opinions of the people who enjoy seeing your art and comment on it regularly.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by web-ed »

hugob00m wrote: Do you think it would be an improvement if I gave Katie a husband? ...Or should I leave well enough alone and continue to do stories with an unmarried Katie?

I'd like your opinion, and along with that, the opinions of the people who enjoy seeing your art and comment on it regularly.
Tough question, b00m. I think the only way to answer it is to try to get to the heart of what makes O.T. Katie work, and then see if that's compatible with giving her a husband.

Basically, Katie is drawn in a way that makes readers want to spank her. Since this is impossible, the next best thing is to set up situations in which we (the readers) can vicariously spank her by identifying with Mr. Kauf and the other authority figures who actually do the deed. Katie's feelings about being spanked are basically irrelevant; this is very similar to Dan DeCarlo's Humorama spanking cartoons where we want to see the secretary get spanked for our pleasure (which of course is the boss's pleasure also). There is a difference: DeCarlo's spankees usually haven't done anything to actually deserve punishment, while Katie typically has. But I think this largely comes about from DeCarlo doing one-panel cartoons, unlike Katie which is of course a comic strip. DeCarlo's repeated joke is that the secretary is getting spanked because the boss (and reader) want to do it; Katie's humor depends on a slow build-up and release of tension as Katie schemes to get away with something, digging herself in deeper all the time, then gets the spanking(s) everyone could see coming except Katie herself. Despite this difference, the outcome is the same: spankee gets turned over boss's (and reader's) knee, because that's what DeCarlo's bosses, and Katie's bosses, and the readers, want to do.

The appeal of the romantic scene is somewhat different: it is the interplay of dominance and submission, here in the form of spanking, that underlies basic human sexuality. Note that it is not necessary for the female to be an actual spanko to enjoy being made to submit to a spanking administered by her man. Consider, e.g., the two spankings Queen Pera receives in The Phantom. Pera isn't a spanko (as far as we can tell), but when The Phantom spanks her she wants him, and then later when Count Jorge spanks her she wants him! This is a crucial point in contexts other than our discussion here as well.

Female submission to male desire, then, is the heart and soul of romantic spanking. She can be a spanko or not, but her feelings of submission must be portrayed in order to make such a scene work. See, e.g., Phil's recent paddling cartoon above, in which we don't know whether the woman likes being spanked, but there's no doubt that her lover has demanded and gotten her complete surrender. This has nothing in common with the O.T. Katie we know (and love), who accepts her spankings but isn't portrayed as experiencing her submissive desires through them, and who is only sometimes attracted to the man spanking her - she is with Scottie MacHottie, but definitely not to Mr. Kauf!

That is the Katie of today. You could, of course, introduce a romantic spanker for her, but then you would have to change everything about the strip except Katie's visual design. Instead of doing that, it seems to me that if you want to explore romantic spanking, you would be well-advised to create two new characters for this purpose together with a new strip to go with them.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by hugob00m »

Yeah, I think you're right.

I had been trying to think of a way to add a little of the same appeal that Phil's pictures have, but it might not be possible to drastically change the O.T. Katie strip without losing whatever appeal she may already have.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi boom and web-ed,

sorry to take so long to reply but i've been working over time.................sigh. i have to second the idea that web-ed had. for one thing, we all love o t katie so much just as she is it would be a shame to change that :D . the idea of another couple seems to me to be the way to go. i was actually thinking that perhaps the girl might be katie's sister...............a redhead of course :D that would open the door for not only the romantic side of spankings to happen with the new couple but also for conversations about their spankings between the sisters. somehow the idea of 2 ladies, especially sisters, discussing the spankings they've gotten or are gonna get always seemed a very arousing one to me. just a thought. anyway, i agree with the idea to introduce a new couple. phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by jimc »

yes i also have to say i have not had the oppurtunity to respond to any of the threads lately. (Some work issues and personal issues) 1st i always enjoy your work Phil (although i have to admit i am an otk fancier far more than anything else) so i could not say it is your best work ever (I do have a few of your otk's that i do put in that catergory though) and as always your fashions and expressions are indeed wonderful. b00m, i would have to say i agree with the others about Katy not getting married, but would like to see a story about either a sister or friend of Katie's that was involved with the romantic spanking (for some reason i always thought that Spanky Sal's roomate was somehow in the spanking scene herself as she seemed to accept as much as everyone else that Sal needed a spanking.) and discussing it (even in thought balloons) might be an intresting discussion. I also think that you could go back to the ghost's house and have him tell Katie a love-ghost story about the ghost and his wife and that may be why he is still haunting the house waiting for his wife to come back would be a great storyline. And again web-ed your comments are well-written and thought out as always.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

since we have all this discussion about superhero spankings, i thought i'd submit my version of such a spanking. this is a toon that i did several years ago so the quality of the pics may not be as good as it could be but i hope you'll still get the idea :D . phil
here's the intro for our hero who i have modestly named overbarrel.................LOL
here's the intro for our hero who i have modestly named overbarrel.................LOL
the adventures of overbarrel intro.jpg (146.75 KiB) Viewed 6053 times
here's a lady looking for a man to spank her so she's at the beach, being obnoxios, mistreating everyone  and being a brat in general when our hero spots her.
here's a lady looking for a man to spank her so she's at the beach, being obnoxios, mistreating everyone and being a brat in general when our hero spots her.
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

here's overbarrel giving the bratty lady's bottom a  much needed smoking at super speed so he'll still have time to intercept his arch nemesis springie hiney.
here's overbarrel giving the bratty lady's bottom a much needed smoking at super speed so he'll still have time to intercept his arch nemesis springie hiney.
01 causing friction 02.jpg (137.75 KiB) Viewed 6053 times
mission least from our hero's viewpoint..................LOL.  now, on with his mission.
mission least from our hero's viewpoint..................LOL. now, on with his mission.
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Overbarrel Superhero Spanking

Post by web-ed »

Nothing goes together better than spanking and superheroes! This was a fun romp, Phil, especially for those of use who remember the Underdog show (voiced, of course by Wally Cox). Jules certainly had it coming, although I agree with the male swimmer that it's a pity the spanking takes place at so high a speed we can't fully appreciate it.
-- Web-Ed
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by hugob00m »

That was a fun story! Super speed and friction can bring some unexpected results (especially if her swimsuit is made of some kind of synthetic fabric!) We've seen some of the trouble that Lois Lane's fans had trying to talk the writers, artists and editorial staff to relent and allow Superman to give her what she really deserved... but your superhero didn't need that kind of persuasion!
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »



glad you enjoyed my contribution to super hero spankings :D . i do indeed remember underdog and it just seemed natural to me that my version might have some of his tendencies.................LOL. sorry about the lack of visibility of the actual spanking but it seemed to me that's the way it might look at super speed and i also thought it went with the burned seat of her bikini ;) .


glad you enjoyed it too :D . i can tell you categorically that no one in the overbarrel family will have any kind of of problem with spanking :lol: . besides, overbarrel knows a naughty lady when he sees one and just how to handle her ;) .

thanks for your comments. phil

Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by daneldorado »

Wow, another great poser comic! Thanks a bunch, Phil.

I'm surprised that no one mentioned the huge bulge in your superhero's swim trunks. Looks like he had himself a fun time.

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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi dan,

i too was a little surprised that no one mentioned that...............LOL. glad you enjoyed my attempt at a superhero spanking strip :D . thanks, phil
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Re: spanking pics using poser and photoshop

Post by overbarrel49 »

hi everyone,

when i think about a man spanking his wife i usually think about a young, strong man blistering his bride's bottom.............always in control regardless of her struggles as this pic from my current series illustrates.
oh, no you don't, young lady! keep that hand out of my way!
oh, no you don't, young lady! keep that hand out of my way!
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